When a relationship is just beginning, a man appears before a girl in the role of an understanding and loving person. In general, without any drawbacks. But time passes, and now the guy has his own habits, which he does not like, but annoying. Why does a man start to "enrage"? And how do you prevent irritation from causing a breakup?

When we fall in love, we don't notice our partner's flaws. Only admiration and burning eyes. Over time, this category of love fades away, and we begin to look closely at a man. And it turns out that he is not so perfect. And also annoying! What to do?
Why is a guy annoying
In fact, you don't need to dig deep. It's just that men and women have their own view of things, their habits. For example, a guy likes to play computer games, lead a more or less passive lifestyle. And the girl, on the contrary, wants to develop, travel, learn new things. And her partner's passivity annoys her. Second example: a man is an avid fisherman and likes to spend his weekend on the lake. The girl prefers to spend her free time at home watching a movie or reading a book. And the guy's habits are annoying.
But actually…
In fact, annoyance is just a mismatch in habits. But why is it not noticed at the beginning of a relationship? Because at this moment an ideal picture is drawn in my head: "my man loves me and will do things that I like, and if not, then I will change him." But, as practice shows, as a result, such thoughts are not realized. Hence the irritation, misunderstanding and resentment.
How to deal with irritation?
A little advice - don't fight irritation. You just need to accept it. Accept the fact that a young person has his own established habits, and it makes no sense to be offended by them. Just take the time and calmly talk to him about what worries you about the relationship, what about his habits. But do not say that it is annoying, otherwise the partner may tune in negatively and respond with phrases starting with "And you yourself …"
If you accept a man for who he is, then he will feel more confident and begin to open up to the girl. And constant irritation means unwillingness to accept your man, because of which the relationship quickly reaches the point of crisis.