Some time passes after the wedding, and the passion in the relationship between the spouses is replaced by a habit. Often those qualities that were invisible in a partner during the period of love become the cause of discontent and irritation.

When two people enter into a marriage and are going to live a long and happy life under one roof, each of them already has their own well-established habits. If at the initial stage the relationship did not work out on the basis of understanding and mutual concessions, the further cloudless existence of the family may be in jeopardy. For any reason, irritation begins to appear, caused by things that have not been removed in time or by a phrase said in the wrong tone. Along with this, there is a fear that love is leaving, and it will no longer be possible to return the former warmth and tenderness to the family.
Even if the husband began to cause very strong irritation and thoughts of divorce began to come to mind, you should not rush to make a decision without finally understanding your feelings.
Before making such sad conclusions, you need to figure out what actually happens in family life with your husband. Even if his voice and behavior cannot be perceived calmly, perhaps the reason for this was some unspoken resentment, which left an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul and now does not allow the relationship to be as sincere and close as before. A heart-to-heart conversation will help to understand the situation, relieve the heaviness from the soul and, most likely, the irritation will go away by itself.
It happens that the accumulated fatigue from work and endless household chores leads to constant irritation, and this feeling manifests itself in relation to the spouse. When a woman, instead of helping and supporting, finds her husband in an armchair in front of the TV and recalls the mass of unfulfilled promises, her reaction is easy to understand. In this situation, the stream of reproaches and claims will only aggravate the situation. If the family has the main thing - a strong feeling that binds the spouses, a wise woman will always find a way to tactfully and unobtrusively control a man and get him to take the necessary actions.
Men often do not take the initiative in helping. It is easier for them to fulfill a specific request than to guess for themselves what is required of them.
Family life is best in families where the husband and wife are completely frank with each other. Absolutely ideal people do not exist, and when discontent or resentment is discussed immediately, and does not ripen in the depths of the soul for months, there is no irritation, which is generated mainly by hidden deep conflicts. A frank conversation can show that it was a misunderstood phrase or the wrong tone in a conversation that was to blame, and everything can end in a playful reconciliation and erase all memories of past aggression.
If the situation is so difficult and neglected that you cannot cope with it on your own, it may be worth seeking help from a specialist. A qualified psychologist will identify the causes of persistent irritation and suggest ways in which you can cope with this situation. But before that, it is better to independently analyze your behavior in order to understand whether only the husband is to blame for the changed attitude towards him. Maybe you should be self-critical of yourself and look for the origins of what is happening in the depths of your own soul.