Sometimes it happens that a woman, having started a relationship with a man, loses her sense of proportion. And after a short time after their life together, the representative of the stronger sex simply does not know what to do with the constant control of the "all-seeing eye". The accompanying reproaches, mistrust and quarrels can finally destroy the feelings that have arisen.

Step 1
Do not try to control a man in everything and always. Remember that strong relationships are built on love and trust, if the latter is not there, then a high feeling can hardly be discussed. If so, consider whether you need such a relationship at all. After all, if a man gives a reason not to trust him, it means that he does not appreciate and love you enough, and it is unlikely that your questions and reproaches will help correct the situation.
Step 2
Leave the man his "private time". Let him sit quietly at the computer or read his favorite newspaper. Do not bother at this time with inquiries and news. All this you will ask and tell a little later, when he is ready to listen to you. If you live together, set aside in your daily routine a special hour (two or three) of silence for your husband, exactly as much as he needs to restore the order of the flow of thoughts.
Step 3
When communicating with a man, take into account his individual characteristics: some of them may be too sociable and will be happy to constantly listen to you and give feedback, but most of the stronger sex need a temporary timeout - the time when they need to be alone with themselves …
Step 4
If a man is talking on the phone, do not try to immediately find out who is calling (called), do not have the habit of eavesdropping on the conversation, even if involuntarily. If he deems it necessary, he himself will certainly tell you everything.
Step 5
Many men do not like it when a woman takes too much initiative and emphasizes possessiveness towards him in public, be it a friends party or a regular store. You should not put the guy in an awkward situation, hanging on his neck and demonstratively familiarizing himself, as he is unlikely to like it.
Step 6
Most men do not accept frequent calls from their other half to his office. Firstly, perhaps you are tearing him away from important matters, and secondly, this is exactly what is called "being obsessive." Learn to solve small problems on your own, and then in the eyes of your other half you will gain the respect you need.
Step 7
Do not completely dissolve in your man. To be his wife, lover, cook, personal secretary, psychologist, stylist, etc. very attractive, but then you will hardly have time for yourself, for your own self-development. And it may happen that over time you will simply become uninteresting to him. Find your own hobby, something that would really captivate you, try to demonstrate your independence to some extent. No matter how trite this phrase may sound, men are interested in that woman in whom there is some kind of mystery. But if a woman spends all her time on “solving” a man, for him she very quickly becomes a “read book”.