A child raised in love grows up to be a self-sufficient, self-confident and happy person. Moreover, the love of parents should be unconditional, i.e. not dependent on his successes or failures, obedience or obstinacy.

How to show unconditional love
Give your child as much attention as possible. Hundreds of toys mean less to your little one than time spent with loving parents. Play, walk, tell your child different stories, share childhood memories with him, every minute next to the baby is your contribution to his future happiness.
Listen to your child. Do not dismiss him if he dumps his kindergarten news on you - this is his life, show that it is important to you. Listen to the opinion of your child - if you do not do this while he is small, as an adult, he will not want to share with you.
Trust in your child and never compare him to other children. For a little person, support and approval of even the smallest achievements are important. Believe in it and your child's victories will grow steadily.
Maintain tactile contact with your child - stroke him, kiss him, hug him. Talk to your baby more warm and affectionate words. If you express dissatisfaction, resent the actions, not the child himself. And remember the rule: there should be three words of love for one word of criticism.
Teach your child to recognize and express feelings. He himself must be able to rejoice, empathize, regret and successfully read the emotions of other people. Explain to your child that hiding feelings is harmful.
Family traditions are a symbol of warmth and love
Family traditions have a great influence on the child. Almost always, a person builds relationships the way they did in his family. That is why traditions not only show your love for your child, but also pass it on to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Favorite traditions can be a family evening outside the home. Get into the habit of going out to the movies, parks, cafes, etc. on weekends. Or once a week, be sure to gather at a festively set table with hot pies baked by a loving hostess. Over time, children may forget a lot, but the taste and smell of mother's pies will be associated for them with a loving parental home all their lives.
Another great tradition is home tournaments in drafts, chess, loto, dominoes, etc. Both adults and children like these games, and, in addition, such pastime is conducive to warm friendly communication.
Some holidays are also symbols of family warmth and love, but especially New Year and Christmas. These days, everything needs to be done together: decorate the Christmas tree, prepare gifts, make wishes with the chimes, have fun and walk.
Think and you can bring into your life other family traditions that will teach your children love and tenderness for loved ones. And you will be rewarded with the trust, frankness and affection of your children for years to come.