It would seem that a newborn child does not understand anything, only instincts work for him. But in fact, the baby learns the world, learns to live in it, to adapt to the external environment. Parents need to educate in the baby the qualities given to him by nature, to show the world around him, to instill patterns of behavior that will help the child in the future to adapt to many changes around.

Step 1
From the first minutes of a newborn's life, accustom your child to the daily routine. After all, nutritionists, teachers have developed a special routine depending on the age of the baby. In a small person, feeding, sleep, wakefulness should be distributed correctly.
Step 2
Feed your baby from birth to one month old every three hours. It is allowed to deviate from this routine if the baby did not wake up on time. When the baby requires a breast ahead of schedule, endure it. Let the baby understand that he should do the right thing, and not the way he wants.
Step 3
While the child is awake, tell fairy tales, sing children's songs. Although the baby is not yet able to do anything, his brain is able to perceive sounds. By the age of three or four months, the little man discerns the image, the voice of his mother. Accordingly, he already knows how to compare people, as well as the objects around him.
Step 4
Give your baby rattles. The grasping reflex in a child is present from the very birth. Fumbling with pens a new object for him, he develops the senses. At the fingertips of the baby are the nerve endings that are responsible for the person's speech. Avoid very loud toys as they can scare your child.
Step 5
Decorate your toddler's room with colorful items. The child learns the world around him when a new interest in things appears. Try to communicate more with the baby. Try to make his life enjoyable. Play entertaining games with him. With a positive look at the world around you, the mood of the baby, as well as the parents, will always be uplifted. Keep in mind that positive emotions improve immunity, your child will be less sick, and the minutes spent with the baby will be joyful and memorable.
Step 6
The character of a baby is formed from the first days of his life. And throughout the year, the child becomes able to perceive the world around him from the side from which his parents showed him. Love the child, but try to protect him from excessive affection, as this prevents him from accepting reality as it is.