A child is the most important miracle in any family. His character is formed very early and depends on the conditions in which he lives, the relationship between his parents and the attitude towards him. His whole future life will depend on his upbringing.

A child is the most important and dear miracle in our life, with the birth of which huge changes take place in the family. But he needs not only our love, but also a good upbringing. It is necessary to bring up a child from the very cradle.
From the very first day of a child's life, you need to organize him the right regime. The baby should have a clearly set time when to eat, sleep, play. Try to always maintain a certain order, and then it will be easier for you to learn it. The first year of upbringing can be divided into four stages:
1. Raising a child up to three months.
2. Raising a child up to six months.
3. Raising a child up to nine months.
4. Raising a child up to one year old.
For the first 3 months, the baby should gain weight well, and this can only be with appropriate feeding. Also, during this time, your child should learn to hold his head and make at least some sounds, except for crying.
In order for your child to quickly and well learn to hold the head, you need to often lay it out on the tummy. At first he will not like it at all and will not work, but over time he will get better and better.
In the period from three to six months, the baby makes different sounds. In order for him to do it better, he needs to include different songs and pay attention to the new sounds that he hears. Also pay his attention to the cry of birds, to the noise of leaves and water.
During the third stage of parenting, the baby learns to sit, crawl and walk. At this age, you need to teach him to potty little by little. Place your child on the potty as often as possible - after walking, sleeping, feeding, and then he will understand what the potty is for and what needs to be done there.
At the fourth stage of upbringing, the child develops speech, he begins to walk on his own. Help him walk as much as possible, hold him first by both handles, and then, when he learns, by one. Encourage him to walk, get up, and in no case forbid him from doing so, because he may get the impression that he is doing something bad and will be afraid to walk.
And most importantly, try to never yell at your child. Talk to him quietly and calmly. Do not forget that at this age you are the main example of behavior.