Proper upbringing is important in the life of every person. Mistakes in the upbringing of a three-year-old child will already appear when he starts going to school. Therefore, it is often said that upbringing at 3 years old is a fight against childish stubbornness.

When a child reaches the age of three, significant changes take place in his behavior, which can often frighten parents. The kid becomes simply uncontrollable, his mood changes dramatically and attacks of anger occur. To make this period easier for both parties, you need to try to imagine how the child is feeling.
The kid begins to understand that he is a person and tries to show this, acting contrary to the wishes of his parents or expressing his dissatisfaction if the actions do not coincide with his wishes.
To raise a child during this period, you need to be patient, because it is difficult not only for parents, but also for children. In no case can you do it, as the baby wants. If he sees that, having arranged a tantrum, everyone begins to dance to his tune, then this will not work, and he will always do so.
You do not need to make many demands on the child and constantly order him, this will not lead to anything good, the child will only move away more. It is advisable for parents to learn, to occupy the baby with something interesting, to play a play with his participation or to read a book.
Both parents should work together to raise their offspring and act in concert. You can't allow mom to forbid everything, and dad to allow, or vice versa. It is also advisable to make sure that grandparents do not spoil the baby and do not interfere with education. The correct thing to do is to agree on the rules and stick to them.
This age is very important for the formation of the child's personality. It is necessary that he constantly feel love and care. If a child does something wrong, it is better to calmly explain to him why this should not be done, and not to let everything take its course, and it will not hurt to praise for good deeds. Then the baby will feel that he is not indifferent, and will try to show only good qualities in order to please the parents.