Parents, as a rule, dream that their child will grow up smart and strong. If it seems to them that the child is inferior in something to others, they begin to sound the alarm. Is it worth worrying that the child would certainly fit into the existing developmental standards, and, preferably, would be ahead of his peers in all respects?

Step 1
When trying to assess the development of your child, know that exactly no child fits the standard model described by statistics. The phased schedules for mastering various skills and abilities are averaged. Don't forget that every kid, like every person, is absolutely unique!
Step 2
Don't worry if your baby is in no hurry to start walking, to eat with a spoon on his own at a year and a half? The scope of normative concepts in relation to speech, walking, neatness, reading, etc. has expanded significantly. If your child cannot read at the age of 5, then there is nothing "abnormal" in this. Do not force your toddler to jump through important developmental milestones if he still needs some time to master the reading skill. A child who is experiencing certain difficulties at the age of 7, with the support of relatives, is quite capable of developing further harmoniously. And this does not mean at all that he will have any problems in the future.
Step 3
The famous American pediatrician T. Berry Braselton claims that children learn new skills unevenly, periods of advancement are replaced by pauses. At this time, it seems to parents that the baby has stopped in its development. In fact, the child is just preparing for the next "throw", and this may take him several months of concentration and effort. Do not be guided only by the final result, because such "periods of rest" are very necessary for your child: his harmonious development depends on them.
Step 4
Consider every aspect of your baby's development in the context of your family circumstances. Moving, the birth of a younger brother or sister, illness, divorce of parents, other non-standard situation can slow down progress, it is even possible to "roll back" back for a while. In such a situation, evaluate the development of your child as a whole, paying attention to all his areas - emotional, sensual, intellectual, and not just rhythm. A child needs emotional harmony no less than an intellectual coefficient (IQ) in order to grow up as a fully developed personality and achieve success in later life. A child who is satisfied with himself, sociable, surrounded by friends and has a sense of humor "starts" in life as well as a toddler who can read from the age of 5. If your child prefers not to write or count, but to play before school, this does not mean that he has less chances of success in school.
Step 5
The development of each child is very individual, all standards are only an approximate guideline for loving parents. Pay attention to them in order to help your baby learn important steps, if necessary. One way or another, parents can be too subjective in assessing their child's abilities, so if you have any doubts, share them with a psychologist or doctor who can advise whether the "gaps" you discovered are worth close attention.