After a year, the baby, although it becomes more independent, still requires a lot of attention from the parents and, first of all, from the mother. It is necessary to communicate with the child as much as possible, to play joint games, but, unfortunately, household chores also take time, and it is sometimes useful for mom to just relax and have a little rest. This is where the question arises - what to do with the baby so that he is not bored alone?

There are several proven options for capturing the child while the mother is doing business.
- Make it a rule to divide toys into several parts and put away, giving them out one batch only toga when necessary. So the toys will not have time to bore the child and every time he will play with interest in them as if they were new.
Get a so-called "miracle box". Put small, but safe knick-knacks there - various lids for baby food, colorful scraps of fabric, unnecessary jewelry, small toys (for example, non-collapsible figures from kinder surprises), jars of used cosmetics, etc. If you have a little fashionista growing up, then the box can be replaced with an old bag or cosmetic bag, it will be even more interesting, because girls often imitate their mothers. The main rule is that such a "miracle box" should not be constantly in sight of the child, give it out only when necessary, otherwise the child will quickly get bored with it.
- Toddlers, and especially little ones, love to dress up very much, so an ordinary bag of clothes can interest a little fashionista or fashionista for a long time. The child will be especially pleased with various hats - hats, caps, panamas - he will certainly want to try them on, especially since the baby will be able to do this on his own.
- Cartoons are a lifesaver for most parents. Having turned on a cartoon or a developmental presentation for a child, you can calmly go about your business, because the child literally "sticks" to the screen. However, despite the convenience for parents, you should not abuse this technique, because a one-year-old child has not yet fully developed the visual apparatus and a long time spent in front of the screen can negatively affect the baby's vision. Therefore, you should not allow a one-year-old child to watch cartoons for more than 15 minutes a day.
Young children love to rip paper, so an old magazine or just a roll of toilet paper will keep the baby busy for a long time. Just do not give children newspapers, because lead is used for printing them, which can harm the child's body. And, of course, you cannot leave the child alone with the paper - the little researcher will definitely want to taste it, try to stick it in his nose or ears, and this is not safe.
- After a year, babies are happy to collect small items in a large container, for example, in a box with slots or in a regular plastic bottle. You can collect parts from designers, large buttons, etc. But, again, it is imperative to remember that small objects are not safe for the child, therefore, while going about your business, do not leave the child unattended.
- At the age of 1-2 years, children are very fond of imitating adults, so the kid will enthusiastically take up "adult" affairs. If you need to cook dinner, then the child can be allocated a pot and a spoon, let him also "cook". Likewise, you can offer your child to help dust or mop the floor. So you will not only keep the child busy, but also instill in him the habit of helping adults with the housework.