Low salaries in the education sector have done their dirty work - men do not go to educators and teachers. Therefore, from early childhood, children risk being left without standards of correct male behavior if they do not see these samples at home, in a relationship with their dad. This is especially important for preschool children. How to distribute the upbringing of a preschooler between parents?

Step 1
It so happened historically that a man most often sets his goal as earning money for the needs of the family, completely trusting the children to his wife. It is bad when a man completely withdraws from the upbringing processes - it seems that there are children, but only with a living dad living in a family, they do not see their father. A woman in such conditions becomes domineering and demanding in relation to children, because a father who does not lead the children is usually not able to lead his wife either. And children from childhood do not see that a man should be significant and authoritative. This is especially bad for the future family life of boys. Therefore, despite the lack of time, try to set aside certain hours for communication with your child.
Step 2
It is clear that most dads do not have a lot of free time, especially if their work is responsible and does not allow them to relax and not think about anything outside of work hours. Therefore, the mother should be aware that it is unreasonable to demand equality of the contribution of time to the upbringing of the child. However, the time the little one spends with his dad should be special. Every week, the family should have some activities that everyone has together - picnics, zoos, ice skating, trips to the country, going to the cinema or theater. After each such event, discuss it in all details, talk about what you liked or disliked, together make plans for future joint activities.
Sometimes these activities should only be with dad so that the preschooler can enjoy one-on-one interaction with dad. The thinking of men is different from that of women, so the child will find it unusual and interesting after communicating only with female educators and mother.
Step 3
You cannot shift the questions of punishment only to dad or mom. This puts the punishing parent at a disadvantage; manipulation results. playing "bad dad" and "good mom" or vice versa. Therefore, discuss punishments among yourself and support each other. This is an unpleasant aspect of education, but, alas, it is necessary. And here it is necessary to share responsibility and make decisions together.