7 Parenting Rules That Make Children Successful

7 Parenting Rules That Make Children Successful
7 Parenting Rules That Make Children Successful

All parents want to see their children successful and happy. There is no universal formula for raising successful people. But adherence to some rules will help you get closer to your goal.

7 parenting rules that make children successful
7 parenting rules that make children successful

Many parents, wishing to raise their children to be successful, demand a lot from them, constantly pull back, follow the grades in the diary. But success is impossible to predict. In order for the child to do well in the future, it is necessary to create a healthy atmosphere in the family, to motivate him for new achievements by his example. You will also have to teach him some useful things.

Attention to children

The comprehensive development of a child is impossible without daily parental involvement. Modern adults devote a lot of time to work, personal affairs, sometimes forgetting about the most important thing. To raise successful children, you need to try to spend time with them as efficiently as possible. Erudition, love of reading can be brought up only by personal example. It is worthwhile to regularly set aside time for joint reading of fiction. Then you can have a little discussion. Even very busy parents are able to set aside a few hours a week for family interactions. It can be a walk in the park, a trip to the forest, to the cinema. It is very important for children to fully communicate with adults. Don't skimp on spending time together. It is better to refuse to buy an expensive toy.


Calm perception of childhood failures

One of the modern trends in the upbringing of children is to isolate them from possible troubles and difficulties. Such adults take on all the worries in the weather for an ideal world for their child. They get very worried when things don't go according to plan. With this approach, you will not be able to grow a successful person. The child must be able to take responsibility, make decisions. It is important to explain to him that failures happen. And don't take them too seriously. All difficulties are temporary, and they only provide an opportunity to improve yourself, to look at something from the other side. If too much is demanded of a child, every failure is experienced as a tragedy, he may have problems in the future. Such people do not like to try themselves in new things, as they are afraid to make mistakes. This can be a major obstacle to success.

Getting started with housework

The earlier the child is introduced to housework, the easier it will be for him to adapt to various changes in life. This is not about hard exhausting work, it is enough to awaken the awareness of responsibility for creating coziness and comfort at home. You can start small: cleaning toys, arranging books on shelves. The family should be clearly assigned responsibilities. This teaches us to appreciate the work of others. Children become aware that success can only be achieved through joint efforts.


The right motivation

Children need to be explained why they need to study well or do something extra. It is also necessary to motivate for success by your example. If a child sees happy and successful parents in front of him, he will want to follow their example. You can talk about reaching heights in your career, lying on the couch and doing nothing. But such words will not be convincing.

Psychologists recommend choosing tactics of requests, but not persuasion. Gradually, some responsibilities will become a habit. Do not forget to praise the child for the work done. He needs to see that certain actions elicit a positive response in adults. It is a big mistake to introduce material incentives. This creates a mercantile interest. In adulthood, it will be difficult for such children to take the initiative.

Respecting boundaries and encouraging self-reliance

Often adults are so keen on the role of parents that they stop living their own lives, and live only in the interests of the child. Personal boundaries are being erased. This should not be allowed. To educate a successful person, it is impossible to control all areas of his life. Healthy permissiveness allows you to explore the world faster. It is necessary to encourage the child's inquisitiveness, to guide and prompt him, but not to keep him in the "iron grip". The right to choose should be given to children from an early age. It is necessary to encourage their hobbies, not to forbid to try themselves in different fields of activity. Only in this way can a small person find himself.

Unconditional love

Children surrounded by loving parents are more likely to succeed. You need to love the child as he is, with all the advantages and disadvantages. This gives him a sense of his own worth. Growing up, such children are more resistant to failures. They are confident in themselves and are not afraid to go forward and try something new. For raising a successful person, the atmosphere in the family is no less important. If the relationship between the parents does not work out, the child feels it. He is under constant stress. This situation should not be allowed.

Support and support

Children who have always felt the support of their parents grow up more successful and socially adapted. It’s not about deciding everything for a son or daughter, but about being willing to lend a helping hand at the moment when it’s necessary. If the child is upset, worried, these emotions cannot be devalued. Anger, tears, irritability are responses to different situations. There is no need to suppress feelings. It is worth teaching the little person to stabilize them. In a calm state, you can find a way out of any situation. Understanding and being aware of your emotions can help you fight your fears. Children with developed emotional intelligence understand those around them better, they conflict less. They are more resistant to stress, which is the key to success in many areas of life.
