The Key To Successful Parenting

The Key To Successful Parenting
The Key To Successful Parenting

Nobody is born a scientist. From the first day we develop as parents, together with a tiny child, learn to live together, worry, take care of each other, and build new family relationships. And education begins from the very first minute.

The key to successful parenting
The key to successful parenting

The main thing in a relationship is getting the maximum dose of love, tenderness and tranquility. The voice of mom and dad works in a magical way, and physical intimacy is the best that a fragile creature can get. It gradually learns to distinguish intonation, facial expression, eyes. All of this carries a certain message. The child begins to perceive what he sees, hears and feels. Adult conversations, body language and general behavior affect the baby. As he gets older, new rules apply. Exploration of the world around you: touch with your hands, drag something into your mouth and even destroy. This is part of his growth and certainly has an impact on the formation of personality and self-esteem.


- Do not overwhelm your baby with constant inhibitions. If you are worried about dangerous objects, put on a high place, hide. Make a safe "battlefield" and leave the child to explore. Don't suppress curiosity and experimentation, they are the foundation of creative thinking.

- Choose expressions carefully. Do not scold him for every stupidity. Only prohibit those things that endanger his safety.

- Encourage with words and hugs. Let him be confident in himself that he does what his loved ones like. Incentives are much more powerful weapons in education than prohibitions and criticisms. Criticize behavior, not personality.

- Don't forget to talk and show that you love him. In no case should you mock, and do not call it offensive epithets, this is depressing for every person, let alone a child.

Remind you of the rules that have been imposed on your baby. He must know why they are installed and what is their meaning. Do not underestimate children, they understand if you explain to them. Record small tasks that are part of his responsibilities. This will give him a sense of family involvement and, of course, reward every effort with praise. Let the punishments be reduced mainly to serious conversations or a temporary ban.

Look for alternatives. When the child is in opposition, talk to him, learn to speak. Give him the opportunity to choose between options that suit you. Do not forget that a child's ears and eyes are always aimed at the parents. You are a role model.
