Sooner or later, parents will have to realize the fact that their daughter or son experienced a feeling of love for the first time. Each parent will confirm the fact that first love should be attributed to an extremely ambiguous feeling, during which their child is very worried and extremely painful to endure such a feeling.

Teenage relationships between boys and girls are sometimes very quivering and touching, and are not forgotten until the end of their days. Even the elderly, married several times and having many relationships later, in their declining years with tenderness, admiration and slight sadness, furtively recall their youthful trembling feelings.
Teenage experiences are the most significant, the most sentimental, and the most unpredictable. First love is not for everyone, but if teenagers still fall in love, then they completely surrender to this mysterious feeling, forgetting about everything and not thinking about any other problems. In this case, the role of the parents is to show tact and understanding. And if, following their prejudices, indifference and selfishness, they destroy the child's relationship, he will never forgive them for this, and moreover, he will harbor resentment towards the parent for the rest of his life.
Teenagers do not always share their experiences with moms and dads, even if there was complete frankness between them before. First love is a very intimate, fragile thing, not fully known even by the lovers themselves. What is there to be surprised that a child does not want to talk to strangers on this topic, when even words are sometimes not enough to express that unknown, frightening and unique that he feels.
But how, then, can close people understand that their grown-up child is going through a difficult period of teenage love in order to help him with advice and support in time? Even if a teenager does not have the desire to be frank with his parents, then his feelings with childlike spontaneity are asking out. Emotions splashing over the edge are visible to the naked eye, and others can clearly see changes in the behavior of a teenager with an attentive attitude towards him.