How To Wean A Child From Gadgets

How To Wean A  Child  From Gadgets
How To Wean A Child From Gadgets

Now many are worried about the problem that the child cannot be pulled away from the gadgets by the "ears". But mostly the parents themselves are to blame for this problem. After all, how easy it is to give your child a laptop, tablet, phone and enjoy blissful silence for a while. But gadgets create addiction, and sooner or later, parents have to fight against them.

Children and gadgets
Children and gadgets

What is the danger

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing terrible in the fact that he sits and pokes the buttons, no, he even develops hand motor skills, responsiveness and attention. However, the danger of gadgets is very great when the passion for them goes beyond reason. The time that the child spends at the computer or laptop must be strictly controlled. Ideally, it shouldn't exceed one hour a day.

Gadgets carry the child into a world where everything is easy and simple and the most difficult problem is solved at the push of a button, and where it is so difficult to escape. This damages not only posture and vision. This also affects the character: not having received their favorite gadget, children eat poorly, quarrel with their parents, they are even capable of falling into a rampage or, conversely, into depression. Sometimes the help of a psychiatrist is required to solve this problem. But if you have not yet missed the child to such an extent, then you yourself can pull him out of the virtual world.

Personal example

If you cannot imagine your life without virtual reality and yourself constantly spend time at a laptop or computer, then you can be sure that your child will also become an ardent fan of gadgets. If you are unable to cope with your cravings for social media, forums and games, try not to do it in front of your child. For example, set aside your hobby in the evening when your child is sleeping. After all, a child, especially a small child, first of all copies the behavior of the closest people - parents.

Try to have a family day without gadgets at least once a week.

Create a sense of success

It is clear that in games the child is an "ace" and shoots enemies great. It turns out that in virtual reality he is more successful than in real life. Play good old board games with your child - and maybe it makes sense sometimes to give in to him. The main thing is to praise the child, telling him how smart he is.

Show an alternative

Try not to leave your child too much free time. Of course, rest is necessary, but within reason. Make sure your child has other interests besides gadgets. Give the child to the sports section or to some kind of circle.

Don't scold computers and games

If a child is accustomed to them, he may begin to see you as a person who encroaches on sacred things. Moreover, if other children are playing, then why do parents say that this is bad? Talk to your child about online safety. Install on the gadget a program to control the time of the game, as well as protection from visiting "non-childish" sites.

Full rest

Make sure that the kid does not miss the gadgets, and they do not catch his eye. Spend more time with him outdoors, organize a hike or a country trip. Keep your child busy with something very interesting so that he remembers gadgets as little as possible.
