Children are among the most skilled manipulators. Even the smallest of them actively use manipulation techniques when communicating with adults. It is not surprising, since it is babies who are the most vulnerable and dependent on adults. Manipulation is sometimes the only, simplest and easiest way by which a child can achieve what he wants.

It works!
If at one fine moment you suddenly find that your child is manipulating you, you should immediately think about your behavior and your role in this situation. Having once given the dominant importance to the whims of the child, a manipulative pattern of behavior can be rooted in the child's mind for a long time. Once already, the child will have enough, and he will understand: it works! Next time, your child will try to do it this way over and over again. And this does not mean that the baby does his mother in spite, thinking only of himself. Often everything happens on an unconscious level. It's just that the child's needs are in the foreground, especially at an early age. And often he is not guilty that it was mom or dad who "taught" him how he can satisfy these needs.
Firmness and sincerity will help build relationships.
If your child's manipulations are not related to basic biological needs, such as food, sleep, the need for mother's care and attention, then you should pay attention to this right away. If your child begins to cry and kick his feet on the floor, demanding mom's lipstick or tenth candy, you should not be led by your child in this case. Yes, sometimes it is difficult to calmly react to the cries and tears of your beloved baby, to feel like a “bad mother” at the same time, but of course, you shouldn't indulge any whim.
It is more difficult to resist the whims of children in public. However, if this issue is resolved within the family, within the walls of your apartment, you know how to negotiate with your child and resolve all issues peacefully, then you can hope that your child will not throw tantrums and behave in public. It is better to explain to the kid in advance how one can behave, and how one cannot. At the same time, do not be afraid to be sincere and try to communicate with your child on an equal footing. And then you will have every chance of success. In the future, it will be possible to avoid many unpleasant moments, and the baby will not transfer the algorithm of manipulative behavior into adulthood.