In the modern world, children develop in the same way as they did many years ago. The adolescence period gives parents a lot of trouble and worries. Many teens think they can take care of themselves and decide when to come home. But, if you try to help the child through this stage in life together, everything can be different …

Solving problems together. It so happens that a child, without knowing it, falls into the net of drug addiction, hooliganism and bad company. It becomes dangerous for the surrounding society. For a parent, the main task is not to miss the moment that changes are taking place with the child. Do not wear rose-colored glasses! The main thing is to act. In such a situation, constant monitoring is needed. Take a vacation from work, ask relatives for help. If necessary, he will turn, and help from specialists: psychologists, narcologists. Try to find contact with your child.
Tell him that you are with him in any situation. See him as an equal. Help him find other hobbies. These can be sports sections, if possible, excursions to places that he dreamed of visiting. Share with your child all the sorrows, tell him about your teenage problems. And he will stretch. The main rule for this period is not to shout, to be able to listen. If you want to reach out to your child so that he listens to you, you yourself need to learn how to do it. Parents who listen and hear their child always enjoy authority among adolescents. Patience and love for your child will put everything in its place. Over time, the child will thank you for your sympathy, care and willingness to understand in difficult times. And you, you will be firmly sure that you did everything right.
Don't blame yourself. When troubles appear on the horizon, parents often think about the following question: “What am I to blame? What have I done wrong? When did you miss it? These questions can drive you into a corner and cause depression. Don't let such thoughts dominate you. Thus, you will harm yourself and your child, who at the moment needs your support more than ever. Of course, it's worth admitting that as your child grows older, you may have begun to pay less attention to him. But he still needs to communicate with you. But blaming yourself is a waste of time. Try to remedy the situation by talking frankly with your child. Most teenagers are happy to make such contacts.
And most importantly - love the child as he is, and then you will succeed.