If you are married to a man with a family background, you will have to communicate with his child. In order not to be seen as a vicious stepmother who mocks a poor stepdaughter, you will need to be patient and try to improve relations with your husband's daughter.

Step 1
Do not try to immediately become a second mother to the girl. Communicate smoothly and in a friendly manner. Find out what your child is hobbies about. Buy a book or item related to the girl's hobby as a gift.
Step 2
Spend time together: go to the cinema, to the skating rink, walk in the park. Unobtrusively involve your stepdaughter in household chores. Prepare a festive dinner together or do potted flower transplants.
Step 3
Communicate with the girl, be sincerely interested in her life, studies and hobbies. But if you see that it is difficult and unpleasant for the child to talk to you, do not be discouraged. Many children are very jealous of their father's new choice, and some are openly rude and do not like dad's new wife, as they consider her to be guilty of the collapse of the family. Be calm and friendly, over time you will get used to each other, and maybe even make friends.
Step 4
Do not placate your stepdaughter with gifts, otherwise her attitude towards you may become consumerist. In your house, you are the mistress and set your own rules. There is nothing wrong if you make a remark to a child, but you should not get too carried away with raising a girl, this is the responsibility of her own parents. It's another matter if the child lives with you. In this case, you will have to take the "reins" into your own hands. But remember that if the stepdaughter is guilty, the punishment must always come from the real parent. Act not by shouting, complaining and reproaching, but by talking and personal example.
Step 5
The family situation can become more stressful with the arrival of a new child. The stepdaughter may feel superfluous and unnecessary. Do not allow jealousy and anger on the part of the girl, involve her in caring for the baby and in every possible way emphasize that you are one family.
Step 6
You must remember that building relationships in a new family usually takes 1, 5-2 years. This is a long and difficult process, but as she grows up, the girl will appreciate your patience and good attitude towards her.