An adult's speech, which is addressed to a child, causes him joy and maximum attention, since it serves as the most significant sign of the fact that an adult is entering into communication with him.

Step 1
Everyone agrees that it is necessary to talk to a child every day from the moment of his birth. And how not to talk to your own son or daughter, if you see how much the baby likes it. But just do not make gross mistakes in communicating with the baby, the child simply will not understand if you start talking to him in a highly learned syllable.
Step 2
Your child is very sensitive from birth to the speech of his parents, but so that he understands that it is you who are talking to him and get used to speech, try to grab his attention before starting a "conversation". You always need to start with simple words. They are well remembered and are constantly encountered in your speech.
Step 3
As the child grows, his speech becomes more complicated, and if you thought that your child simply did not have it, then you were deeply mistaken. If you remember, when you say something to a child, you hear his "words" in response. These are really words, for the kid they are as clear as our native speech is for you and me. In this sense, the task of teaching a child to speak is very similar to simply learning a foreign language. Many of the aspects of our language are very difficult for a baby, for example, it is very difficult for babies to understand pronouns. We easily use them in everyday speech, but for the child, the “you” we said will not soon turn into his inner “I”.