Why Grandmothers Don't Like Sitting With Grandchildren

Why Grandmothers Don't Like Sitting With Grandchildren
Why Grandmothers Don't Like Sitting With Grandchildren

Remembering their childhood, many notice that at that time grandmothers spent much more time with their grandchildren than now, and many modern grandmothers refuse to sit with their grandchildren at all.

Why grandmothers don't like sitting with grandchildren
Why grandmothers don't like sitting with grandchildren

Reasons for refusing to sit with a grandson

Many modern grandmothers work quite intensively. A working grandmother, of course, cannot devote much time to her grandchildren. Even on weekends, such grandmothers are not eager to sit with their grandchildren, because they need to redo a lot of things. Before you take offense at your mother or mother-in-law for refusing to stay with the child, put yourself in her place. The woman raised and put her children on their feet, finally she had a little time for herself, and then her grandchildren. Granny, of course, loves her grandson and is not averse to spending a little time with him, but she also has a fear that after she takes her grandson to her place once, she will be constantly used as a free nanny.

Some grandmothers simply cannot physically sit with their grandson, because have health problems. So, with age, many women begin to have problems with the spine, because of which it is contraindicated for them to lift weights, and a small child requires that he be constantly taken in his arms. It's not easier with older children either: they cannot sit still, they constantly run away and strive to get into some kind of trouble. Grandmothers suffering from hypertension should also be protected from such stresses.

Is it possible to negotiate with grandmother

You can negotiate with any person, including your grandmother. The main thing is not to be impudent, but to leave the child only when it is really necessary. If you rarely bring your child, even the most businesslike modern grandmother will certainly get bored, and she will ask for a baby. When bringing your grandson, create the most comfortable conditions for your grandmother: bring a stroller for walks, ready-made cereals and mashed potatoes, more toys, etc. In this case, the grandmother will not be distracted by everyday inconveniences, but will enjoy communicating with the baby.

If you all live together, agree with your grandmother about the division of responsibilities. So, if she loves to walk, entrust her with the responsibility to walk with her grandson, and at this time do things that you cannot do with the child. If it is difficult for her to keep track of the little fidget on the street, on the contrary, first take a walk with the child, and then, when he gets tired and wants to rest, bring him to his grandmother, and go on business yourself.

Do not forget to thank the grandmothers for their help and emphasize that without them it would be much more difficult for you. Help your grandmothers yourself: once you will help to paste the wallpaper, another time - bring food, the third time - you will repair some equipment. In this case, the grandmother herself will probably want to take on some of the parenting responsibilities. At the same time, do not forget that it is not so easy to cope with babies in old age, so if possible, do not leave your grandchildren for a long time.
