How To Teach A Child To Collect Toys

How To Teach A Child To Collect Toys
How To Teach A Child To Collect Toys

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Cleaning toys is one of the first steps in the development of a child's personality. By doing this simple task on their own, the little person learns to be responsible, to cope with difficulties and to take care of loved ones by helping them.

How to teach a child to collect toys
How to teach a child to collect toys


Step 1

To make the child more willing to get down to business, do not force him to remove everything that is scattered during the game. Concentrate his attention on one thing, for example, have him remove the cars. Praise him when all the cars have been removed and offer to fold the books or balls.

Step 2

If your toddler stubbornly refuses to put away toys, suggest the following. Prepare some toy boxes, bring picture magazines, and together cut out pictures of cars, dolls, and other items to glue on the boxes. A child will surely like this game, and he will be happy to put toys in special boxes. If your baby can read, you can replace pictures with words.

Step 3

If the preschooler did not clean the toys as well as you expected, you should not scold him, and even more so, you should not redo everything in your own way with a child. This approach will discourage the desire to work. Better to thank the kid for the work done. Over time, the child will learn to clean efficiently.

Step 4

A fun attitude can help turn duty into pleasure. Invite your child to choose what kind of music he will put away toys to. Help him at first, gently teach the kid how to do it correctly. If he gets used to putting things in order to the music, this will help him in other matters in the future.

Step 5

Clearing out for a bounty isn't the best method, but sometimes it works. It is important to make it clear to the child that the point of cleaning is not to receive a gift for it, but that it will be more convenient and pleasant for him to be in a clean room. Read fairy tales to the kid on a similar topic, for example, "Moidodyr" or "Fedorin's grief."

Step 6

If you can't convince your son or daughter to start cleaning, discreetly hide a couple of your favorite toys. When the child notices their absence, say that the toys were offended and said that they would return to the room if it was cleaned there. Until a certain age, this technique can work. The main thing is to develop the habit of living in a clean room.

Step 7

Do not forget about personal example, children always look up to adults. Your requirements will not be met if the baby sees that you are doing differently.
