Feeling satisfied with yourself and your life means a lot to a woman. It arises if she achieves success in various spheres of life.

Love and family well-being
Psychologists say that a sense of contentment and serenity in women arises when they love and are loved. A successfully developing personal life is one of the main goals in their life, to achieve which it takes a lot of effort. At the same time, it is especially difficult to achieve reciprocal love from a man dear to his heart, and in the future - to carry this love through the years. The latter largely depends not only on her alone, but also on the man himself.
A woman finds happiness and positive emotions when a man constantly shows attention to her and proves his love. She enjoys hearing compliments from him, receiving nice gifts and just spending time alone with him. And, of course, loyalty to his beloved woman is another trait of a decent man who wants to make his soul mate happy.
Another factor of a woman's satisfaction is family well-being, mutual understanding between relatives and friends and warm relations with them. Representatives of the fair sex value their children, parents, brothers, sisters and other close relatives very much, therefore it is important that their life develops as it should. Loving and understanding friends and especially girlfriends also contribute to the well-being in a woman's life.
Career, beauty and sex
Also, a woman's satisfaction with herself largely depends on how her career develops. For some of the fair sex, constant self-development is important. They strive to achieve their goals, therefore, deviation from their ideals, as well as various life failures, can be the reasons for dissatisfaction and bad mood.
Of course, women also consider their appearance to be an important factor in their well-being. Maintaining the beauty of the face and slimness of the figure, observing a healthy lifestyle and trying to dress beautifully, they feel joy. And if at the same time others pay attention to a woman, she feels happy, satisfied with the current life and proud of herself.
Finally, an important factor in women's well-being is sexual satisfaction. Women can get it in different ways, but most of all it depends on a loving man who should strive to give his soul mate pleasure in bed. Feeling young, sexy and wanted is very important for women.