The overwhelming majority of the Russian population has some prejudice about sex in the sauna. In general, a sauna is a place where people go for the purpose of health improvement, and not for sex. However, certain traditions have already taken shape and some people can no longer imagine going to the sauna without sex.

What are the dangers of sex in a sauna?
Before you regularly have sex in the sauna, you should think, first of all, about your health. Is your body able to withstand serious stress? Sometimes for those who have heart problems, a simple visit to the sauna can be a serious problem, and if you still have unbridled sex there, you can even leave the sauna in a car called an ambulance.
Sex in a sauna is a tremendous strain on the heart. At any time, a surge in blood pressure can occur, which can lead to heart attacks, strokes and hypertensive crises. Again, an important role is played by the dose of alcohol consumed, because in a sober state, sex in a sauna loses its zest.
Now a few words about hygiene. Whatever one may say, but the sauna, even the most expensive and elite, is still a public place. Who can guarantee that the sauna is always cleaned and disinfected properly? That's right, nobody. Of course, almost every sauna has a specially equipped comfortable sofa or a comfortable bed. Who was lying on them before you? This is a very interesting and mysterious question to which no one will give you an honest answer. It is well known that women of not quite decent behavior are often invited to saunas, who have not known where they have been before this rendezvous, in search of high earnings.
Doubtful acuity of sensations. If we talk about sex in a sauna, then it should be noted right away that it is not much different from sex in an ordinary bedroom. You will hardly be able to make love in the steam room. This is simply unrealistic. Yes, in the steam room you can start foreplay, for example, to do an erotic massage on the erogenous zones, but it is impossible to engage in sex directly there. All that remains is the shower and the bed. By the way, having sex in the shower is safer and more hygienic. For sex in the shower, it is better to choose a standing position.
Modern saunas are equipped with video surveillance systems. You may not even know about it. It will be very unpleasant if you suddenly become a victim of blackmail or a popular person on the Internet, because there is no guarantee that the video of your sexual exploits will not become public.
How to have sex in a sauna: tips and tricks
If you nevertheless decide to spend a romantic evening in the sauna, then you should carefully prepare for this event.
In the steam room, it is necessary to create the most comfortable temperature for both partners.
You can prepare brooms that will help you tune in an erotic mood and create intrigue. Light spanking is a very enjoyable experience.
You can also buy special sets of aromatic oils for the sauna. Pleasant scents will help create an erotic atmosphere and tune partners into a romantic mood.
It is necessary to check in advance the sauna in which you plan to have sex. It needs to be equipped with a comfortable sofa or bed.
And, finally, it is still better to completely abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages. It is better to order some herbal tea, and replace the kebabs with fruits and snacks.