What Men And Women Really Want About Sex

What Men And Women Really Want About Sex
What Men And Women Really Want About Sex

Men and women want variety in sex, care for themselves and their feelings. In many ways, desires diverge. Representatives of the weaker sex often dream of romance and courage from a partner, men - about liberated behavior and the possibility of role-playing games.

What men and women really want about sex
What men and women really want about sex

Numerous studies show that males and females share many of the same desires. This is supported by various studies.

Research on people's real preferences

Scientists from Indiana University decided to find out the real sexual preferences of people. To do this, representatives of both sexes were asked to select from the list the activities they were engaged in, to note which of them turned out to be more attractive.

The survey found that affectionate sexual behavior was the most important. It includes affectionate words, a kiss, a hug, a romantic setting. At the same time, a refutation was received that the representatives of the stronger sex are especially strongly dependent on wild fantasies.

Self-satisfaction and oral sex also hit the top. The importance of the latter is confirmed by a survey conducted by the dating company for married people Victoria Milan. According to him, up to 65% of people decide to cheat because of the lack of oral sex.

What do men really want from sex?

Sexologists say that men very rarely talk about what they are really interested in intimacy. This happens for several reasons:

  • Men are afraid to scare or offend a loved one.
  • They believe that they simply will not be understood, they may be ridiculed.
  • There is no trust that a couple should have.

However, in anonymous questions, men very often mention that they are counting on liberated behavior. Very often in their dreams, they believe that it will come from a woman. Scientists have proven that the stronger sex turns on when a girl behaves inaccessible in the company of other people, and turns into a "beast" at home.

Sexologists say that sometimes it is worth buying beautiful underwear or uniforms for games. In America, research has been done on humans and animals. It was found that in the world of animals it is impossible to deceive a male - after a while he loses his sexual attraction to the same female.

People are more fortunate in this regard - a man's brain lends itself easily to fantasy, therefore, when one woman appears in front of him in beautiful underwear, his psyche begins to react to her differently.

Another point that men want in sex is the surprise when you can be caught on the spot. it can be an office, an elevator, an entrance Spontaneous intimacy signals that partners are desirable for each other. It is believed that such a hike is a great opportunity to revive a dying passion.

What do women really want about sex?

Most women are by nature cleanliness, so they react hard to male sloppiness in sex. This is especially true of oral sex and the lack of hygiene before it.

Women want sex:

  • Romance. This can be a simple foreplay, poetry reading, or a lot of kissing.
  • Attention. It should be not only before intimate contacts, but also on an ongoing basis.
  • Courage. A man must be a man. Courage often leads to a partner's sexual arousal. Any hitch will be interpreted not in favor of the stronger sex.
  • Women dream of lovemaking when men caress their palms, hold hands. they like it when they do massage and do not skimp on hugs. They will appreciate it if a partner gives them the opportunity to feel beautiful, unique and loved. Many people like it when they talk to them in bed, but they are not in a hurry. Literate men know that a woman needs to be given time to open up.

Much attention should be paid to touch. In this case, you need not immediately go to the erogenous zones, but gradually get to them. It has been proven that active stimulation at the very beginning of intercourse is much less exciting than gentle touching.

Sexologists and family psychologists say that it is necessary to take into account the woman's mood “here and now”. Sometimes she can stretch the foreplay so that everything happens slowly and gently. Sometimes she becomes aggressive and playful, then she wants a tougher attitude towards herself.

In conclusion, we note: men and women do not like to get hung up on any one pose. However, this is often accompanied by fears of being misunderstood or not being approved. Therefore, one must not forget and talk to each other.
