You can often hear the opinion that women are difficult to understand. In fact, communication problems are faced by people of both sexes. First of all, this is due to the false expectations that others will somehow figure out their needs without words. Unfortunately, humanity has not yet learned to read each other's thoughts. Therefore, the most realistic advice regarding relationships can be found in the psychological literature. For example, a few life hacks will help men seeking to uncover the secrets of women's desires.

Stay Knights
It may seem to some that chivalry has long died, supplanted, among other things, by feminist sentiments. But if you ask the men themselves what prevents them from performing modern feats, many admit that they are too lazy and selfish for this. However, women still want to see proof of how much they mean to their chosen ones. No need to put them on a pedestal or sing endless praises. Modern chivalry is to open the door for a lady, to make a compliment, to confess love more often, to remain sweet and courteous. When your girlfriend says she likes something you did, don't be afraid to do it again. Being in the center of your attention, she feels like that very beautiful lady who was worshiped by the knights of the past.
Don't try to deceive them
Women's intuition is extremely difficult to deceive. Sometimes, girls, observing from the sidelines, know and understand their men better than they understand themselves. This is partly due to an innate feminine tendency to very accurately read non-verbal communication signals. Just by unconsciously studying your movements, body postures, gestures, eye movements and many other signals, ladies are more likely to understand when you are lying. So just save them from the painful contemplation of your deception. They expect real honesty from men.
Make an effort
Unfortunately, the desire to make at least some effort in a relationship for many men is limited exclusively to the bedroom. But women want more. They certainly appreciate it when you take out the trash or open the door for them. And yet, letting you into their lives, the girls are constantly waiting for the partners to confirm the correctness of this act - some special gestures, surprises, signs of attention. They appreciate a non-standard approach that requires additional efforts from men. Because in a relationship with a woman, the main thing is not just to achieve her affection, but to keep this interest.
Listen to them
Women need communication and verbal expression of feelings. Unfortunately, in the face of men, they rarely find attentive listeners. After all, the stronger sex relaxes in a completely different way: with a glass of beer in the company of friends or going into the virtual world of your favorite computer game. And women just need to talk to you about their hard work day, obnoxious boss, or a friend's wedding plans. Give them time at least occasionally to give them a chance to talk. Just do not take such communication as serving a sentence if you love your soul mate. She will quickly figure it out.
Talk to them

Women's cravings for conversation are not limited to their desire to be heard by their partner. They want a full-fledged dialogue in which a man also expresses his emotions through words. Text messages and phone calls are great ways to communicate when you're not together. Then the woman will know what you think of her and look forward to seeing her.
Let them pretend
Women are adept at pretending. They pretend to adore your family members, can fake orgasms, and look happy when they're not. But there is no need to accuse them of falsehood. In fact, ladies often lie, because they spare the feelings of men and do not want to deliberately hurt them. Before demanding frankness from them, consider whether you really need this truth. Perhaps your ego, masculinity and feelings will suffer significant damage after it.
Keep promises

Women react painfully when men do not keep their promises. It is important for them to see evidence of masculine words in practice. Therefore, when you talk to them about feelings without backing up the recognition with real actions, they experience real disappointment. Just don't accuse the ladies of wanting to overly dramatize. In fact, this response mechanism is associated with female physiology. Fertility is more limited in women than in men. Therefore, trying to succeed in finding a suitable partner, she subconsciously seeks the most reliable candidate for the role of husband and father of children.
Refer to them by name
At the initial stage of dating, women want to hear from you by name more often than standard faceless words like "sun", "beauty" or "baby". First, affectionate nicknames are more appropriate when a close relationship is established between people. Secondly, when a girl hears her name from a man, she feels special. Otherwise, it seems to her that he is choosing from a variety of candidates, so he uses an impersonal appeal, fearing to accidentally confuse.
Give them some freedom

At the very beginning of a relationship, people are ready not to be apart for a minute, forgetting about friends, relatives, favorite hobbies. Some psychologists refer to this stage as the "honeymoon phase." But it is impossible to isolate oneself from the world for life if you do not want to earn serious problems in the future in your love union. Therefore, it is important for women, like men, to give a little freedom. Sometimes let your darling go to a meeting with girlfriends or a walk in the shops, do not require her to be secluded and completely immersed in your life together.
Do not scold them for long fees

Most men get annoyed when their companions spin in front of the mirror for an indecently long time. They, of course, inevitably have a question for whom they dress up and paint so carefully. In fact, in this case, ladies think about men last. The stronger sex is generally easy to please with little effort. But women evaluate each other much more picky and attentive. Even unconsciously, they notice other people's mistakes and shortcomings. For some girls, these mistakes help them rise above others and feel better. But no one wants to voluntarily become a victim. Therefore, support your chosen one, and give her extra time so that she appears before potential critics fully armed.