When young people go down the aisle, it seems that only a cloudless future and a happy family life await them. Will it really be so? It all depends on them.

Regardless of how long the newlyweds have known each other, in the first year of life together there are many different experiences, feelings and emotions. A lot of pleasant things happen: a storm of passions, novelty of sensations, joy that a loved one is near. But, along with them, there are difficulties, quarrels, misunderstandings. Each of the spouses has their own level of culture and upbringing, their own understanding of family life, based on the experience of life with their parents, their own expectations from living together. And the more the difference in them, the more conflicts.
Many domestic disagreements arise. The husband hopes that his wife will meet him after work with a table set for dinner. The wife, having come home, does not understand why she should cook if the husband came home from work two hours earlier. The distribution of the family budget raises many questions and disagreements. The wife spent the entire salary on new clothes, and the husband decided to give the bonus to the parents, because they pay off the loan taken for the wedding.

If at the beginning of life together, young spouses do not notice the shortcomings in each other, then after a year or two some little things can start to irritate: a tube of toothpaste left unclosed, scattered things, not washing dishes in time, the habit of not closing the doors in the bathroom.
Old passions begin to cool down. The sharpness and novelty of sensations are lost. With the advent of a child, problems do not become even more. The wife is mainly busy with the child, she does not get enough sleep, does not have time to cook or clean. The husband is offended that little attention is paid to him.
In such a situation, many begin to think that they were mistaken in their choice, that they need to get a divorce, that this will not lead to anything good.
You should not rush to make such a decision. Nobody said it would be easy. Family relationships are daily work. The main thing: you do not need to be selfish, think only about yourself. No need to blame each other for all the troubles. If the relationship doesn't work out, then both are to blame.
In general, divorce is a surgical intervention in the life of a family. And after removing even an unnecessary organ, the body always hurts. Therefore, try to solve problems in other ways: talk about problems, find out the reasons for mutual grievances and reproaches, forgive each other, give in to each other. Let everyone try to make happy not themselves, but their other half.