Every couple in love who decides to create a family union asks the question of where to start the wedding. Before taking up the organizational issues of preparing the celebration, young people should first go to the registry office. It is there that the prospective married couple must apply to register their marriage.

- 1. Passports;
- 2. Payment of the state fee in the form of a receipt;
- 3. Birth certificates (in case of registration of the first marriage);
- 4. Certificates of divorce or death of a spouse (for those whose marriage will not be registered for the first time)
- 5. Permissions from parents or guardians, in the event that the marriage is registered with minors.
Step 1
In accordance with Ukrainian law, a couple can apply to any government agency that conducts registration of civil acts. I would also like to note the fact that in our time, future newlyweds can apply to any registry office that they like, and not at the place of their registration, as it was before. However, at the same time, at least one of the future married couple must have a residence permit in the city chosen for the wedding.
Step 2
Taking into account the laws of the Ukrainian family code, future newlyweds must personally apply for registration of a marriage union. But if for some good reason they cannot do it on their own, then their official representatives can submit an application for them. Of course, in this case, a power of attorney must be drawn up, certified by a notary office.
Step 3
If you cannot submit an application together and you do not want to attract people from outside, then you can proceed as follows: take forms from the registry office to fill out, as well as receipts for payment of services and duties. Fill in the appropriate forms, subscribe to them and take them to a notary for certification of signatures. Such a statement is considered completely legal, so it can be safely taken to the registry office.
Step 4
In order for a future married couple to accept an application for their marriage, they must provide the registry office employees with a certain package of documents, which consists of a passport, a receipt for payment of a state fee, birth certificates (in case of registration of the first marriage), a divorce certificate or death of a spouse (for those whose marriage will not be registered for the first time), permission from parents or guardians, in the event that the marriage is registered with minors.
This list provides for the obligatory presence of Ukrainian citizenship for both spouses.
Step 5
According to Ukrainian law, the application must be submitted one month before the registration of the marriage. For those who plan to hold their wedding celebration in the "hot" wedding season, they should take care of submitting documents in advance, because the registrar has the right to appoint a wedding ceremony in 3-6 months from the date of acceptance of the documents.
Step 6
As in Russian, Ukrainian legislation provides for lower-case registration of marriage in case of illness of one of the spouses, departure on a long business trip (military, sailors, etc.), as well as in the presence of a developing pregnancy of the bride.