Not every woman is capable of being happily married or living with an unloved man, putting up with his behavior. Many women, never having met their man, despair of starting close relationships.

In order to become happy, a woman needs to be confident in herself, in her decisions and principles. If she cannot put up with the actions and behavior of men who meet her on the path of life, if she rejects them and breaks loose connections, then this is the most correct choice that she sees for herself. And she, first of all, must respect such a choice. However, after another break in relations, a woman, of course, has doubts and painful thoughts that she may not wait for an ideal man who suits her completely. What to do in this case - keep waiting or give up unsuccessful attempts? And how can a woman live without her man?
Become self-sufficient
Each woman is unusually strong, each is an extraordinary personality. It is important to understand that even without a man, a woman can lead a fulfilling life: work, travel, have fun, be friends and care. A woman is not an addition to a man, but a separate person who quite successfully knows how to cope with life's tasks and difficulties. Understanding her own self-sufficiency will add confidence to a woman, allow her to manage her life herself, and not suffer or try to quickly marry an unverified and unreliable person. When a woman lets go of a problem, stops thinking about it every day and painfully tries to find a solution, this solution is found by itself. As soon as a woman realizes that she is beautiful and without a man nearby, he can immediately meet her.
Understand yourself
Often, thoughts about a woman without a man are pitying, because modern society imposes its own values: without a home and family, a person did not take place. However, this is only the opinion of other people, to which it is far from always possible to listen. All people are different, therefore it is impossible to ascribe to everyone only one point of view and outlook on life. There are many people on the planet who simply do not need the company of another person nearby. It is worth understanding yourself: is a man really so important to you or is it an imposed stereotype? Perhaps you did not meet your man because you subconsciously wanted to be alone and live a free life. Or you set very strict requirements for men - then you should think about whether you yourself meet these requirements and whether it is worth softening them.
Take action
When there is an understanding that you still need a man, you should stop just waiting and start acting. Men are also looking for a woman that suits them, which means that you need to find those places where attractive young people gather for you. To do this, first determine what kind of man you think is what he should be: strong, smart, funny, romantic. Look for a man according to your criteria on dating sites, bars, shops, social networks. Expand your circle of acquaintances, ask your friends to introduce you to free men. It is necessary in all possible ways to make it clear to the men around, what a beautiful, self-sufficient, self-confident and attractive woman is free. It's only when the people around you see you trying to establish a relationship do they react to it. It is unlikely that you will be able to wait at home, sitting alone in front of the TV or monitor screen, and at the same time hope that there will be a life partner on its own.
And remember that it's never too late to meet your person, so do not give up the search, even if all previous attempts were unsuccessful. If you are sure that you need a man, he will definitely be found - exactly the one you were waiting for.