It often happens that a girl really likes a young man, but she cannot understand how he treats her. The agonizing unknown drives her crazy. Meanwhile, it is not so difficult to understand the attitude of a guy to a girl; it is enough to pay closer attention to his words and actions.

Step 1
There are several signs by which you can determine how much a girl cares about a young man. For example, he constantly seeks to grab her attention: he sends SMS with the wishes of good morning or good night, during the day he certainly finds time to call to inquire about the affairs or mood of the girl.
Step 2
The guy is always eager to help. It doesn't really matter what the problem is. He simply cannot leave a girl in trouble, whom he already considers a close person. In addition, the young man can tell her about his dreams. Perhaps this contains a hint that she is his biggest dream.
Step 3
The guy constantly tries to show the girl at least small signs of attention: he gives the coat, gives way, opens the door for her. Although, if he is well-mannered, then all this may turn out to be an elementary manifestation of politeness.
Step 4
If a girl really cares about a young man, he is constantly interested in her opinion. Thus, he gives her the opportunity to enter his life, believing that if a girl gives him advice, then she is not indifferent to him.
Step 5
There are other signs of falling in love that appear when a guy realizes that the girl is really dear to him. First of all, at the sight of her, a young man's mood changes noticeably. When meeting with the object of his sympathy, the guy becomes much more cheerful and open.
Step 6
If, when meeting a girl, a young man straightens his clothes or hairstyle, smoothes his hair or, conversely, tries to ruffle it, this means that he is not indifferent to how he looks in her eyes.
Step 7
The young man perceives any tender glance of a girl as an excuse to approach her, start a casual conversation, and finally touch her. It should not be forgotten that it is very important for men to touch the girl they like. If a guy, during a conversation, as if by chance takes a girl by the hand or touches her hair, she definitely worries him.
Step 8
If a guy really likes a girl, he is very afraid of offending her. For this reason, the young man constantly apologizes for every careless word or deed.
Step 9
Of course, one should not forget that all people are different: someone tries to hide their feelings and emotions, while someone, on the contrary, demonstrates them too clearly. And yet, in most cases, the listed signs give a fairly accurate answer to the question of whether a girl cares about a guy she likes.