What To Do If You Are Jealous

What To Do If You Are Jealous
What To Do If You Are Jealous

According to Ushakov's explanatory dictionary, jealousy is "a passionate distrust, a painful doubt of someone's loyalty, of love, of complete devotion." Despite the fact that this feeling is often associated with love, jealousy does not strengthen relationships, but, on the contrary, destroys them.

What to do if you are jealous
What to do if you are jealous

To get rid of jealousy, it is worth realizing why and because of what you have doubts about the loyalty of a loved one. Psychologists identify several reasons for the appearance of jealousy. These include: fear of loneliness, low self-esteem, emotional dependence on a loved one, obsession with relationships, and selfishness. Those who have already been deceived also suffer from this destructive feeling, because it is much more difficult to restore trust than to lose it.

The next step is to separate the actual reasons for jealousy from the imaginary ones. Perform a simple exercise: draw a vertical line in the middle of a sheet of paper, in the first of the resulting columns, write down the partner's real "mistakes", in the second - your assumptions and suspicions. Most likely, the last list will be much more voluminous, and the entries in the first column will be limited to one or two lines. Use this method every time you feel that doubts about the feelings of your beloved are overwhelming you. Constant worries can lead not only to cooling relationships and frequent quarrels, but negatively affect your health, resulting in neuroses, sleep disturbances, depression.

One of the most common mistakes women make is “dissolving” in a relationship. If you have forgotten about your best friends, abandoned your favorite hobby and enthusiastically began to equip the family nest, then it is not surprising that you expect the same dedication from a man. However, representatives of the stronger sex are arranged a little differently. It is important for them to maintain the right to privacy. You should not blame your beloved for not wanting to spend every minute next to you, and also draw scenes of betrayal in your head when he is late from work. Take care of yourself! Renew your wardrobe, sign up for foreign language courses, buy a gym membership. Remember your hobbies: maybe it's worth knitting a wonderful sweater that has been yearning for a year and a half in the closet? An active, energetic woman is much more interesting for a man than a boring homebody who wants to get him at her full disposal.
