One of the most mysterious and strange paradoxes of our time is that most single men live in large cities. It would seem that every day a sea of people teems around, full of women of all ages, but still there is no one and only one that you dream about. At first, this does not scare, because for a man in the first place is career, material support. But it often happens like this: a person has long and firmly "got on his feet", there are no material problems and there is no life partner either. The best years pass, and he is all alone and alone. What to do? How to find this very companion?

Step 1
First of all, we must remember the old wise saying: "Water does not flow under a lying stone." The option that the long-awaited darling herself will suddenly ring the door of his home with the words "Here I am!" - from the field of fairy tales. A man will have to make an effort.
Step 2
Remember, you have to look good. If you find yourself failing every now and then, maybe you should change your image or go to the hairdresser. If the matter is in some complexes, seek help from a specialist.
Step 3
You should be in society as often as possible - to visit performances, theaters, art exhibitions, because many women go there. Find a club "of interest" - in a big city this is not an insoluble problem.
Step 4
Do not hesitate to ask for help from friends, acquaintances, especially their wives. Maybe some of them have in mind single women who are quite suitable for you. Maybe you should more often accept invitations from guests, take a closer look.
Step 5
Do not neglect corporate parties, joint forays into nature. It is very likely that strangers will join the co-workers. Remember: the wider your circle of acquaintances, the more chances you have to meet your destiny.
Step 6
Try to take a closer look at the women around you. It is possible that the future darling works in the same building, only in the next department or on a different floor, that she goes to dine in the same cafe.
Step 7
In the end, get over your shyness and advertise on dating sites on the Internet, in the relevant sections of the newspapers. Tell in detail and as objectively as possible about yourself, about your advantages and disadvantages, about what qualities, in your opinion, a future life partner should have. Many people have arranged their personal happiness this way, why can't you get lucky?