A gainer is a dietary supplement made up of simple and complex carbohydrates and proteins. Carbohydrates fill the athlete's body with energy, and proteins are responsible for the growth of muscle mass, therefore a gainer is a quality product containing only natural elements.

- - gainer;
- - milk (water or juice).
Step 1
If you have a lean physique and find it very difficult to gain weight, a gainer is ideal for you, as it contains more carbohydrates than protein. This type of sports nutrition helps to preserve glycogen in muscles. Muscles receive the required amount of amino acids, due to which they not only quickly recover, but also grow.
Step 2
When buying a gainer, make sure that it does not contain sugar. Some manufacturers do not specifically indicate the presence of sugar on the packaging of their product. Also pay attention to the amount of protein, which should be at least 20-25 percent, otherwise you will begin to gain weight not due to muscles, but due to fat. In order not to be mistaken in your choice, buy sports nutrition only from trusted manufacturers that have long established themselves on the market.
Step 3
Take the gainer in equal portions daily. Do not exceed the dosage indicated on the package so as not to gain excess weight. The amount of formula you take will depend on your body weight, fitness level, training intensity, and calorie requirements. Usually, 100-150 grams of dry mixture is consumed at one time. If you notice that you are starting to gain weight, reduce the amount of the drug and use it only before training.
Step 4
Stir the gainer with milk, juice, or cold water. Do not mix it in boiling water so that the protein does not lose its beneficial properties. Choose the amount of liquid at your discretion. Divide the daily dose into two equal parts. Take the first part between breakfast and lunch. The second is better to drink after training or in the afternoon if there is no training.
Step 5
Take a gainer 30 minutes before exercise, then the protein will be better absorbed by the body. You will receive an additional source of energy. Taking the mixture one hour after your workout will provide you with protein, i.e. building material for muscles. The carbohydrates contained in the preparation will fill you with the necessary amount of calories. An hour and a half after strength training, a protein-carbohydrate window forms, which must be filled in order for muscles to grow and not deplete. The gainer will do an excellent job with this task.