Some people are reluctant to establish contact with their neighbors. However, sometimes you need help from those who live through the wall from you. And then good neighborly relations will play into your hands.

Why be friends with neighbors
Good relationships with neighbors can help you in a critical situation and make living in an apartment more comfortable. If you have a common vestibule, you cannot do without good relations with the tenants from the neighboring apartment. Correctly established contact will help you to arrange a common space together and avoid disputes and conflicts over the division of the territory.
The order and cleanliness on the staircase also largely depend on how well the neighbors communicate. It's one thing to be just decent people and be responsible only for yourself, and quite another to unite with your neighbors and act together in order to improve the entrance. It is also better to make appeals to the housing office and the administration regarding house renovation and improvement of the area, not one at a time, but all together. Therefore, it is beneficial to communicate and be friends with neighbors.
Finally, remember that sometimes you need to ask your neighbors for a small favor. You can take salt or matches, ask to water the flowers or feed the cat in your absence, and even leave your child with your neighbors if you have a good enough relationship with them.
Establishing contact with neighbors
To improve relations with tenants from the apartments of your entrance, you first need to get to know them. Go to your neighbors on the site and introduce yourself. You can take with you some kind of small present - a box of chocolates or a cake. Perhaps you will be invited to tea, and you can better get to know those who live nearby.
If you have just moved, you can organize a small housewarming party for your neighbors. Notify them in advance that you are expecting them to have tea on such and such a day. So you will immediately communicate with everyone who lives on your floor, and, perhaps, even rally the tenants among themselves.
Common interests can unite you with your neighbors. If you have a pet to walk, you can meet like-minded people in the yard. Also, children of about the same age help mums and dads to get to know their neighbors on the playground.
Show respect and tact. Always greet your neighbors in a friendly way, smile. Be careful, do not litter at the entrance, do not be too noisy and watch your guests. If you annoy your neighbors, there can be no question of any good attitude on their part.
If you have a pleasant acquaintance with your neighbors, support it. Congratulate the tenants from the apartments of your entrance on the holidays, give nice little things, make good neighborly visits, and organize fun parties in the yard. And most importantly, if, despite all your efforts, you cannot immediately establish the desired level of relations with neighbors, do not despair. All people are different. Someone is open to communication, others need to look at you. Sometimes ideal relationships develop over the years, so don't be upset.