Nowadays, finding your other half is not at all easy. Men are in no hurry to burden themselves with family chores. And if a woman already has children, then the circle of potential candidates for the role of husband and dad is narrowing. So can a woman with children find her happiness?

Step 1
Children are not an obstacle to personal happiness. You have to think that way and then your confidence will be transferred to men. And if you put an end to yourself, then men will no longer see you as an attractive woman. After all, while a woman is in search, her excitement is clearly visible to others.
Step 2
You should not perceive children as a hindrance, be ashamed of them. On the contrary, you have something to be proud of: you are raising two children alone, you work, you have a fascinating and eventful life. Even if this is not true, men should think about you this way and not another way. They do not need a mother tortured by life, children and loneliness with a constant lack of money.
Step 3
If a man shows interest in you, don't scare him off with statements that you have children. Don't talk about it right away. Yes, calmly answer if he asks. But show him that your interests are not limited to checking lessons and cooking dinners.
Step 4
Never complain to men about your children's problems. He must think that these are real angels, and not outright hooligans. Problems like these can scare your fiancé. After all, it is known that some men do not raise their children, but here they are strangers. But here's the paradox: they can accept the children of the woman they love.
Step 5
Don't complain about the lack of money, even if you do. If a man is not indifferent to you, he will see everything himself and help. Otherwise, is it worth wasting time with a person who doesn't need you. Better spend it with children.
Step 6
Never sacrifice the interests of children for the sake of a man. Prioritize: children, yourself, and then everyone else. This position should make it clear that you are not a banal hunter for men. That you are letting him into your life, and he can only agree to this choice or not.
Step 7
Take your time to introduce children to your boyfriend. Say that you do not see him in the role of a father. Such a statement can spur a man's excitement, and he will try his best to improve relations with your children.