How To Choose The Best Solution To A Problem

How To Choose The Best Solution To A Problem
How To Choose The Best Solution To A Problem

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It is believed that you can always find a way out of any difficult situation. The problem is that there are often several such exits, and it is sometimes difficult to choose the best one: after all, every decision has both positive and negative consequences.

How to choose the best solution to a problem
How to choose the best solution to a problem


Step 1

To choose the best path possible, consider various ways to solve the problem you are facing. If there are too many of them, you can easily discard the most absurd, difficult to implement and frankly not suitable for you for a number of reasons. As a rule, there are two or three acceptable solutions, and you have to choose from them.

Step 2

Take a piece of paper and write down for each decision the positive and negative consequences that you will have if you implement it.

Step 3

Rate each of the consequences according to the degree of significance for you personally. For example, you are about to change jobs. In this case, you will have a higher salary, but the work will be located further from home. So, you can evaluate the first point at 5 points, and the second, for example, at 2, and this will mean that the material aspect is more important to you than the territorial one.

Step 4

Find the sum of points that received the positive and negative consequences of each decision. If the scores for negative outcomes are greater than those for positive outcomes, this is probably not the solution for you: you will lose more than you gain if you choose this path.

Step 5

If each of the options has more "pluses" than "minuses", choose the course of action that scored the most points.

Step 6

You can go a more complicated way. For each solution that seems generally acceptable to you, write the answers to 4 questions: "What will happen if I do this?" "What will not happen if I do this?", "What will happen if I do not?" and "What won't happen if I don't?"

Step 7

After that, also rate each of the resulting items according to the degree of importance to you. The answers to each item will be either positive or negative for you. Subtract from the amount received for positive responses, the amount received for negative responses.

Step 8

Evaluate the answer to which question scored the most points in each case. Compare the sum of points scored on each of the four points. The item that received the highest number of points will be decisive for you in answering the question: "Is it worth choosing this path?" You will understand whether it is beneficial for you to implement this decision, and how positive the changes in your life will be as a result.

Step 9

And, finally, the easiest way to choose the best solution for those who are not inclined to long logical calculations and calculations. Listen to the voice of your intuition - it is often a very good advisor. Think about the way you have chosen to solve the problem, try to track the response that finds your chosen path in the form of sensations in your own body.

Step 10

If you feel an internal rejection, as if something pushes you away from this decision, it may be worth doing something else: you subconsciously resist this method.

Step 11

If, on the contrary, you have experienced a feeling of "attraction" - this is your way, and it is worth trying to act in this way.
