Can A 9 Month Old Baby Sleep On His Stomach?

Can A 9 Month Old Baby Sleep On His Stomach?
Can A 9 Month Old Baby Sleep On His Stomach?

Sleep in children under one year old is a part of the day carefully guarded by parents. And most often, the baby is allowed to sleep peacefully the way he fell asleep. But is it really possible to sleep in positions that are comfortable for a child? For example, on the stomach.

Can a 9 month old baby sleep on his stomach?
Can a 9 month old baby sleep on his stomach?

Newborns under three months of age are advised not to sleep on their stomachs. During this period, the baby still does not know how to control his movements and his actions. Especially in a dream. That is why there is a risk that, lying on his stomach, the child will bury his nose in a pillow or mattress. This can block the flow of oxygen. If the baby sleeps on the mother's stomach, then this position is quite acceptable. And even relieves colic, which at this age especially often torment children.

Sleep on the stomach after 6 months

When the child has already learned to roll over on his stomach and back, he actively uses his skills even in a dream. This greatly simplifies the task of sleeping comfortably for him, but complicates his parents' vigils. Babies over 6 months old can sleep on their stomachs.

Firstly, it facilitates the process of gas evacuation. Secondly, it has a beneficial effect on the back muscles. Thirdly, it reduces the feeling of hunger during sleep. Babies who sleep on their stomachs are less likely to wake up at night for a snack.

How to organize safe sleep

In order for the baby to sleep comfortably and safely on his stomach, you must adhere to simple rules:

  1. Babies don't need pillows. An exception is orthopedic options prescribed by a neurologist, orthopedist, or pediatrician. Babies do not need pillows in their sleep, falling asleep perfectly without them. It is beneficial for the spine and neck, which form a straight line, without kinks.
  2. Babies don't need blankets. It is enough to dress the baby in a warmed slip, pajamas or bodysuit if the room is cool. Blankets hinder movement, interfere with turning in a dream, can fall on the face, cram under arms or legs.
  3. Babies do not need soft mattresses and featherbeds. It is harmful to the spine and fragile bones. The mattress should be moderately hard or orthopedic.

If a child crawls in a dream, then it is advisable to hang the sides in the crib so that the legs and arms do not crawl out between the rods. This will greatly facilitate both the baby's sleep and the sleep of the parents, who do not have to worry about safety.

A well-known pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, assures that sleeping on his stomach at 9 months is the norm for a child. And if the baby himself goes to bed like this, then he does not need to interfere, turn over on his side or back too. And in order for the sleep to be stronger and calmer, it is necessary to ventilate the room in the evening and monitor the humidity of the air.
