Proper Nutrition For Children Under One Year Old

Proper Nutrition For Children Under One Year Old
Proper Nutrition For Children Under One Year Old

A child in the first year of his life is called breastfeeding, since his main food is mother's milk, which has beneficial properties necessary for the normal development of the baby.

Proper nutrition for children under one year old
Proper nutrition for children under one year old

Of course, breast milk is the optimal nutrition for children under one year old, which is ideal for the child's body. No modern nutrition can replace the benefits of breast milk, due to which the child's immune system is formed. Thus, children who are breastfed or mixed feeding are less likely to get colds, as their body becomes more resistant to various viruses and infections.

It is advisable to select food for children under one year old. The menu depends on the age and individual characteristics of the child. Each month involves the introduction of a product, as breast milk gradually becomes less useful, and the child's body requires increased nutrition. Of course, a nursing mother should carefully monitor her diet to include fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, it should exclude alcohol and sugar consumption.

You can introduce complementary foods from 2-3 months. As a rule, the first food for children under one year old is to receive juices. You need to start with a few drops, gradually increasing the amount depending on the reaction of the body. A less allergenic juice is apple juice, which must be diluted with water in equal proportions. If the child's body tolerates the juice well, then you can start introducing another juice, but only gradually and alternately.

The fourth month of a child's life involves the further nutrition of children under one year old - these are vegetable and fruit purees, which can be purchased in specialized baby food stores or prepared on their own at home. The most common and favorite dish for children is mashed potatoes, to which you can gradually add small amounts of butter, salt and milk.

The next month, the nutrition of children of the first year of life includes cottage cheese. But not all children at this age love cottage cheese in its original form. Fruit purees, sour cream, mashed banana, etc. can be added to give a beautiful look and sweetish taste.

In six months, a variety of cereals are already being prepared, which enrich the child's body with the necessary microelements and vitamins. First, it is necessary to grind the cereal so that the baby can swallow it with ease. When the first teeth appear, it is necessary to gradually introduce solid food, with the help of which the speech apparatus develops and the structure of the teeth is formed.

At 7-8 months, meat products and fish dishes can be introduced into the nutrition of children under one year old, after crushing and removing bones. Preferred cooking methods for young children are boiling or steaming. Due to this, the maximum amount of nutrients that the child needs remains in the products.

By the age of one, the child is accustomed to the basic set of adult food. Occasionally, you can give salty foods (pickles, salted fish), which has a positive effect on metabolic processes, and also increases appetite.

When teeth appear, you should not offer the child rubbed dishes, let him begin to chew and digest food on his own. Start with small pieces (like an apple wedge), and later you can try biting off the whole fruit yourself.

Throughout life, do not forget about ordinary drinking water, which is simply necessary for the internal processes of the child's body. This amount does not need to include juices, teas, dairy products. As a rule, in the hot season and when the body temperature rises, a large amount of moisture is required, some of which evaporates through sweat from the skin surface at high air and body temperatures.
