How To Swaddle At Night

How To Swaddle At Night
How To Swaddle At Night

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A couple of decades ago, it was believed that a baby should be swaddled tightly from the first days of life, otherwise he will have crooked legs when he grows up. Fortunately, this myth has long been debunked, now there are practically no supporters of tight swaddling. What is the best way to swaddle a baby during a night's sleep?

How to swaddle at night
How to swaddle at night


Step 1

Many modern mothers refuse to swaddle their babies, preferring special clothes for newborns. Of course, sleeping in your clothes has its advantages. The baby can be put on the tummy: in this position, gases escape better, digestion improves, the correct muscle tone of the back and neck is formed, regurgitation occurs less often. However, try to proceed from the needs of the baby. If the baby often wakes up due to the fact that it is awakened by involuntary movements of the arms and legs, it is still better to swaddle the baby at night.

Step 2

Choose a free swaddle for your baby. To do this, wrap a soft flannel or knitted diaper lightly around the baby so that it can move its legs and arms. A baby swaddled in this way will feel as if he is in his mother's belly, and therefore it is sweet and calm to sleep at night. In addition, he will not wake up from involuntary movements.

Step 3

There is also widespread swaddling, which is used in babies who are diagnosed with hip dysplasia by doctors. If your baby has the same diagnosis, then to swaddle him, fold the diaper so that you get a small pillow. Fix the pillow between the legs of the baby with another diaper so that its legs remain free and the hips are wide apart. The baby's arms can be left free by putting on a blouse, and the lower body can be loosely wrapped in a diaper and secured under the arms on one side.

Step 4

It is very convenient to put your baby in a special sleeping bag for babies at night. You can buy it at a children's clothing store or sew it yourself. When choosing a bag, make sure that the fasteners do not press on the baby during sleep (it is better if they are on the hanger). When putting your baby to sleep in a bag, it is enough to put on a diaper and a knitted blouse or bodysuit. Sleeping in a bag is also convenient because you do not have to jump up at night to straighten the blanket, worrying that the opened baby will begin to freeze.

Step 5

Experiment and choose the option that works best for your baby to get a good night's sleep, and for you to rest peacefully at night.
