Barley is a signal from the child's body that his immunity is weakened. Contrary to all prejudices, this is not at all an infectious disease and not the result of hypothermia. The cause of this trouble is a bacterial infection.

If your child develops barley, then you are faced with Staphylococcus aureus, which has entered the baby's body as a result of pollution. Usually, barley appears during a cold, this is because the child's immunity is weakened during this period.
Children who lack vitamins A, C and B, children with various chronic diseases, for example, of the gastrointestinal tract, are not insured against the "grain in the eye". Especially often, barley affects the eyes of diabetic children.
What to do if barley appears?
As soon as you see that barley has appeared on your child's eye, urgent action must be taken. And most importantly, do not forget that no matter how harmless the barley may seem, you should definitely contact a specialist. Remember that in no case should you try to squeeze out the barley, this can aggravate the situation many times over.
You can provide emergency assistance to your child on your own. First of all, dry heat must be applied to the inflammation. This is a kind of analogue of the UHF medical procedure, which is usually prescribed by a doctor when barley appears. Remember that any heating can only be used if the child does not have a fever. If you do everything correctly, then after about four days, a yellowish dot appears on the top of the barley. Shortly thereafter, the barley breaks through, pus begins to stand out from it. This usually means that the problem will soon be resolved - the body has coped with inflammation.
If pain, redness or swelling occurs in the area of inflammation, especially if the baby has a fever, antibiotics are recommended. In this case, self-treatment is almost impossible, because only a doctor should prescribe such drugs to a child.
How to avoid the appearance of barley?
First of all, every effort must be made to strengthen the child's immunity. This requires the regular use of vitamins, especially in the spring season. Vitamins of group B are especially important. Try to keep clean, often carry out wet cleaning of the premises. And, of course, do not forget about hardening, avoid colds, as they most often undermine children's immunity.
If you are still faced with the reappearance of barley in your child, blood tests should be done - total and sugar. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a smear for the flora. All this will make it possible to establish the reasons for the reappearance of barley.