Love overtakes everyone, regardless of their status in society and the amount of accumulated money. What if you fall in love with a girl from high society, how to get her attention? How to make her understand that you are the very man she has been waiting for all her life? Let's figure it out.

Informal approach
You can interest a girl from high society, but for this you need to find the right approach. Here everything will depend on what you are ready to go for for this, whether you can withstand all the difficulties, how much you believe in your own strength.
To make it easier to decide, you can try this exercise: look at the girl you like. Imagine that once everything happened to you, but then in the hustle and bustle you just lost her phone number. Now you want to restore relations. Then you can approach her. Remember, you don’t need to tell her hackneyed phrases like this: “Tell me, where is the nofelet here?”. You won't be able to interest a rich girl with them. But short information about what your name is, why you approached her and what exactly you want from her - it will be the very thing.
Any other non-trivial phrase that can either surprise a girl from a wealthy family or break a long-established pattern will become suitable. Remember that you need to speak in your usual voice, without any antics. Status young ladies like specifics and naturalness (in moderation).
Rich girls criteria - how to get around them?
Before you interest a beautiful girl from a wealthy family, you need to know at least a little about the criteria that she sets for the future chosen one. This can be the cost of clothing, shoes, style, fame, representativeness, etc. And here you need to either meet these criteria, or try to get around them. It's no secret that girls from high society are often lonely, there is even a very popular song about this. Therefore, it is best to give her a drop of attention, devote your poems to her, amaze her with your knowledge about some novelties in literature, about political or public life, about cars, etc.
If you don't have a lot of money, try to pretend that you have it. Please her with a trip to a restaurant or a movie show, make her feel good with you. When she falls in love with you, she will not care what family you are from, poor or rich. At that moment, one thing will be important to her - that you are near. And in general, you should not be afraid of rich girls. Often they are much kinder and more tender than those who have nothing. After all, they do not have to fight for their place in the sun, they already have it.
How to interest the girl who has achieved everything on her own?
A little above it was said about how to interest a young lady who was born literally with a "golden spoon in her mouth." It is quite another matter if you fell in love with a rich girl who "made" herself on her own. Such a lady knows exactly what she wants from a partner, what he should be. Your task in this situation is to make her understand your importance to her. Don't think it's easy. None of the seduction methods that can attract the attention of young beauties will work here.
Wealthy women are smart and perceptive almost from birth. On top of that, they went through a serious school of life. Therefore, they will not be seduced by half-fictional stories about your accomplishments. They, of course, will not pretend that they have little or no faith in your stories, they will listen to you, but they are unlikely to allow them to reach such a distance as you dream about. The most important thing that you can interest such a lady with is openness, honesty, the ability to lead correctly in any life situations, show concern, listen carefully and understand.
If you listen carefully to these tips, you will very soon be looking for an answer to the next question - how to marry a rich girl? Or even this: where and how to play a wedding with the one and only, with which fate brought you together?