Contrary to common prejudice, not all women are prone to intrigue, gossip, and scandals. Nevertheless, the above-mentioned negative phenomena occur much more often in women's society than in a men's team. Therefore, getting along with women, avoiding conflicts with them is not an easy task not only for a man, but also for another woman. How should one behave correctly in such a situation?

How should a new employee behave in a female team
If you are a woman who has found a job in a purely female team, try to immediately understand what type your boss is.
In the case when the leader is reasonably demanding, monitors labor discipline, but does not believe that all physical and mental strength should be given to the work to the last, you are very lucky. Just try to do your job in good faith. If your boss is literally obsessed with work to please her, conscientiousness alone will not be enough. Try to pretend that you are not interested in anything other than work. Take time off and take sick leave as little as possible, do not complain about personal problems. In no case do not argue with her, even if you are absolutely sure that you are right! Such leaders do not tolerate this.
Perhaps the most unpleasant type of lady leader is a capricious, unbalanced person. It is incredibly difficult to please such a boss. She is quite capable of disliking you simply because you look younger, more elegant, or come to work in new shoes that suit you very much. There are only two ways out: either quit as soon as possible, or skillfully flatter the boss.
When communicating with colleagues, try to avoid gossip, too frank conversations as much as possible. Do not succumb to provocations, do not enter into conversations with a colleague who is clearly in a bad mood or well-being. Never brag about your success with men, even gifts from your own husband or relative. Maintain neutrality, trying not to adhere to any of the "factions".
How to behave in female society for a man
If you are a man whom fate has brought into the women's team, remember the main rule: do not skimp on compliments, not bypassing any of the ladies. But do not overdo it, because women are very sensitive to falsehood.
Try to avoid office romances (even if you really like one of your coworkers). With a probability of 99%, both you and your chosen one will then be avenged with all the sophistication that the fair sex is capable of.
Know how to listen to women, give good advice at the right time, sympathize, but do not turn this into a system and do not become a good friend for your colleagues, because then almost certainly they will soon cease to be ashamed of you, and then reckon with you.