It is believed that modern society thinks about sex much more than it did in the past. Nevertheless, there are reasons to believe that this type of intimacy has been very much interested in people at all times, just in modern society they speak more openly about intimate relationships.

Why sex has become an open topic
The peculiarity of the modern world is that people began to show their interest in sex openly. They blog, discuss sexual issues on TV shows, and write books on the technique and psychology of sex. Intimacy is an important part of cinematography, literature, and even music is often sexually explicit.
All this became possible thanks to the "sexual revolution" - a socio-political trend that took over the world in the late 1960s. Around the same time, effective and comfortable contraceptives were invented, which were successfully used by people. This made it even easier to freely understand and talk about sex.
At the same time, sex has become a much more personal affair for people. In the past, it was more likely to lead to conception because the most popular method of contraception was interruption of intercourse. As you know, this method gives a rather weak protection, since some sperm can come out even before the man has an orgasm, and the man himself is not always able to restrain himself and control himself. Therefore, sexual intercourse, which often ended in pregnancy, imposed certain obligations on people, and sex without obligations was condemned by society. Today people are free to choose a partner, and no one may even know about his presence, since contraceptive methods allow you to avoid the consequences of sexual intercourse that lead to obligations.
Sex has become a pleasure
All these factors have led to the fact that sex has lost its "sacred" function of continuing the family, and society has lost control over it. Sex has become a pleasure, which in the vast majority of cases does not entail any negative consequences (with the correct contraception).
Pleasure for pleasure's sake is no longer the same as pleasure on which the family's "monopoly" is imposed. Once sex outside the family was condemned, today you can find more and more open marriages and unions, people in which agree to the adventures of a partner on the side, and premarital relationships have become the norm.
Sex has become a symbol of the closeness of partners. If people have sex, this does not mean that they are ready to start a family and spend the rest of their lives together, it just means that at the moment they are very close and they feel good together.
Despite a fairly loose understanding of sex issues, extramarital affairs are still condemned by many people. Even if the family has lost its monopoly on sex, the true feelings that bind people, in the vast majority of cases, do not allow the possibility of cheating.