Any parent is concerned about how to maintain a child's immunity. The baby's health, his full development, and subsequently his school performance, is directly related to the body's defenses. There are several ways in which you can strengthen children's immunity.

Vitamins, healthy foods, rose hips
Step 1
First of all, it is necessary to organize a healthy diet, in which all the substances it needs will enter the body. It should be remembered that in many respects the state of health depends on the intestinal flora. In the case when it is populated with beneficial bacteria, children's immunity makes the body more resistant to external infections. Not only prebiotics, but also healthy food support the normal functioning of the intestinal flora. Therefore, fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables should be present in the children's menu every day.
Step 2
During the off-season, it is advisable to take special vitamin complexes, since it is far from always possible to meet the needs of the body only with the help of a balanced menu. It is advisable to first consult with your doctor, because vitamins are not as safe as it might seem. In certain diseases, overuse of vitamins can lead to complications.
Step 3
Hardening affects the strengthening of children's immunity. In the summer, walking barefoot on surfaces of different textures is useful, due to which the biologically active points located on the feet are activated. Sun and air baths, water procedures, all this has a positive effect on the immune system. Increases thermoregulation of the body and promotes health hardening. However, this event does not tolerate haste. First, the arms and legs of the child are poured over with warm water, gradually lowering its temperature to room temperature and only then moving to cold water.
Step 4
Among the folk remedies used to improve immunity, there is a rosehip decoction. It can be used already in the first months of a child's life. To prepare the broth, 50 grams of dried berries are required. They are poured into a thermos and filled with a liter of boiling water overnight. By morning, the infusion is ready for use, you can drink it in unlimited quantities. Vitamin C and other substances contained in rose hips help to maintain the health of the child in winter.