How To Write A Child's Autobiography

How To Write A Child's Autobiography
How To Write A Child's Autobiography

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The story about the time when the child does not yet remember himself can be arranged in different ways. Someone collects a collection of things related to birth. Others make extensive photo albums. Some moms keep a diary. Or you can combine all these efforts to create a real baby biography.

How to write a child's autobiography
How to write a child's autobiography


Album, pen, glue, camera, camcorder, computer, Internet, PowerPoint, Windows Movie Maker (or any equivalent)


Step 1

Record all the achievements of the child every month. Circle his palm and foot. Photograph in the most representative position for his age. For a newborn, this may be a moment in the mother's breast, for a three-month-old it may be an attempt to hold the head. Record how the baby began to crawl, take the first steps. Take photos, and the most dynamic moments - on video. Capture all the sounds that the baby learns to make - from "agu" and "guli-guli" to the first words.

Step 2

Keep notes or a diary in parallel. Trust the paper with a story about how the child sleeps, what he likes and does not like to eat. How he played today, what pranks he did. Especially carefully record the most important moments when the little person mastered new skills. Do not forget to write down in your diary the weight and height that was measured at the clinic at the last visit to the pediatrician.

Step 3

Design a special album where photographs and pasted outlines of palms and feet are interspersed with entries from a diary. Such an album will be more interesting to consider when the child grows up. And recordings, as a rule, need some editing. Transferring them to the album, discard the uninteresting events.

Step 4

Start your own blog to create a digital bio for your child. Register with LiveJournal or any other site that provides such an opportunity. Take notes, add photos and videos. Choose the brightest events or the most memorable incidents. Let this biography be of interest to those readers who do not belong to your family circle.

Step 5

Create a PowerPoint presentation that reflects all the important stages of a child's development. It's good to do this kind of work for the first, second, or third anniversary. In the presentation, you can use both notes and photographs, and with the help of numerical data on height and weight, build charts or graphs.

Step 6

Prepare your movie in Windows Movie Maker. It needs photographs taken at different stages. Break them up with age-specific screensavers. Add suitable music to the video. Such a film can be shown to guests who have gathered to congratulate the young birthday boy.
