How To Explain To A Child Who God Is

How To Explain To A Child Who God Is
How To Explain To A Child Who God Is

Sooner or later, every child has questions about how the world appeared and who is God. It can be difficult to answer them, and for a correct explanation it is better to turn to the children's bible for help.

How to explain to a child who God is
How to explain to a child who God is

The most important thing that a child should know about God is that the Lord God is the main being, the Creator and Creator of all that exists. God is an invisible spirit who, like a king, possesses the fullness of power and authority, but not in one country, but in the whole world. He exists everywhere: he sees and cares for all people, is the most powerful, wise and kind ruler. God watches over the world and all people on Earth, wanting them to live in happiness and justice. It is difficult to understand who is God separately without his activities. Therefore, it is important to know that he is the creator of all that exists, as well as the forefather, i.e. the parent of the person.

God is the creator of the world

First, you should pay attention to the whole world around you: mountains, forests, trees, flowers. In addition to people, the world is inhabited by a huge variety of birds, animals and insects. A man walks on the ground, and above him there is a beautiful blue sky, from which the sun shines and warms, rain drips and clouds frown. How beautiful and amazing this world is.

But before, once upon a time, none of this was. There were no people, no animals, not even heaven and earth. There was only one God who desired this wonderful world to appear. First, God created Angels - good spirits. Then he created the earth, but there was darkness all around. For six days God worked to create white light and that beautiful nature that surrounds us now.

On the first day, God created light and it became light on the earth.

On the second day, God created the earthly firmament and the firmament appeared above the earth.

On the third day, according to the word of the Lord, rivers, seas, lakes and mountains arose on the earth. On the same day, God decorated the earth with green grass, beautiful flowers, fruits and vegetables.

On the fourth day, the Lord created luminaries in the firmament. At the same time, he wished that one would be the sun and illuminate the world during the day, and the other would be the moon and illuminate the earth at night.

On the fifth day, the Lord decided to create beautiful fish and birds on earth.

On the sixth day, by the will of God, animals appeared, "each creature has a pair." They all enjoyed life in this beautiful world and praised the Lord God. And God looked at his creations with pleasure and was pleased with the new world.

God is the one who created man

Everything pleased the Lord in his new created world, but he understood that there was not enough man on earth. And God decided to create a man who, according to God's plan, should become master over all animals, birds and plants. In a word, the Lord created man in his own image and likeness, so that he would become the full owner of the whole earth.

And God created the first man from a piece of earth, from which he created a body and breathed a soul into it. He endowed the soul with reason so that a person can think and consciously make decisions.

The first person was a man named Adam. But over time, the Lord noticed that Adam was lonely to live alone on earth. He could neither talk to anyone, nor share joy or sadness.

Adam was bored alone, and the Lord took pity on him and decided to create a wife for him who would always be by his side. The Lord God put Adam into a very deep sleep and removed one rib from his chest. From this rib, he created a wife for Adam - Eve. Adam and Eve fell in love with each other and lived happily together.
