A baby in the first year of life has every right to wet his pants. Parents usually do not resent or disturb, since a child under one year old cannot voluntarily restrain urination. For many children, with some parental persistence, the problem is solved quite quickly. But there are also many children who continue to write not only in the middle group of kindergarten, but even in the senior or preparatory group. Therefore, parents should not let the situation get out of control.

- - consultation with a neurologist;
- - a pot;
- - clean linen.
Step 1
Watch your child. Determine when exactly it is written - at night, during the day or at any time of the day. As a rule, young children write day and night. They still do not clearly control the urge to urinate. The child just needs to be potty trained.
Step 2
Place the pot in a place where your baby can easily get to it. It is best to use a plastic pot because metal can feel too cold and unpleasant. The child should be comfortable to sit. If the pot is too large, use a special stool with a hole. By the way, the wooden chair always stays warm.
Step 3
Put a young child on the pot after sleep, if he got up dry, upon returning from a walk and some time after eating and before going to bed. Don't let him sit too long. The entire procedure should take no more than five minutes. Never send your child to the toilet after they wet their pants. It is completely useless. In addition, the baby will perceive what is happening as a punishment, which in no way will contribute to a positive attitude towards the process.
Step 4
Be sure to praise the kid who coped with the task assigned to him. But you should not scold him for waking up wet or wetting his pants. This will cause nervousness, the child will become afraid to cause your displeasure. Tension can do exactly the opposite. The baby will start peeing more often than usual.
Step 5
A preschooler who writes during the day, but sleeps peacefully all night and wakes up dry, carefully monitor. Perhaps he is too addicted to the game or some kind of activity and does not want to come off. Remind him to go to the bathroom. Do this at regular intervals. If the child refuses, be calm but persistent. Use playful techniques. Explain to your child that the squirrel or bear wants to pee but is afraid to go to the toilet without company. At the same time, the baby goes to the potty.
Step 6
If a child goes to the toilet on time during the day, and pees at night, despite all your attempts to put him on the potty, contact a neurologist. Especially if an older preschooler or even a schoolboy suffers from nocturnal enuresis. It is very possible that he will prescribe sedatives or advise you to change the situation. It quite often happens that parents wake up the child several times a night, but the baby still wakes up wet. In this case, the problem is solved by itself after moving or transferring the child to another kindergarten.
Step 7
It is especially important to change the environment if the child sleeps great at night, wakes up in a clean bed, but manages to describe himself in two hours of nap in the group. This means that he feels discomfort in the kindergarten. Talk to your caregiver and try to figure out what's going on. It is useful to consult a psychologist as well.
Step 8
Make sure that the child is not overworked or overexcited. Impressionable and easily excitable children are more prone to bedwetting than calm lugs. A child, even of an older preschool age, cannot always abandon an occupation that interests him in time. He needs help to switch. If you see that the child is tired or too noisy, suggest another activity.
Step 9
Create a bedtime ritual. It is best to follow a specific regimen. For example, after dinner, you can take a walk or play quiet games, wash, change into pajamas or nightgown, go to bed and read a fairy tale. In any case, the home should be calm and joyful. Arrange everything so that going to bed is a pleasant and desirable procedure for your baby.