You do not need to call the nurse every time to give your child an injection. Any mom can do such a procedure, and it will be more pleasant for the baby if the injection is given by his own mother, and not someone else's aunt!

- - medicine;
- - disposable syringe;
- - cotton swabs;
- - medical alcohol;
- - a medical razor or nail file.
Step 1
Wash your hands with soap and water. With a swab dipped in alcohol, wipe the neck of the ampoule, then file the glass with a file or razor in the place where the ampoule narrows. Wrap the ampoule with a swab and break the glass.
Step 2
Prepare a disposable syringe, take the medicine into it, shake the syringe so that all air bubbles go into the needle. To make sure there is only liquid in the container, push down on the plunger so that a drop of medication appears at the tip of the needle.
Step 3
Place the cap on the needle so that your hands do not touch the needle. Set the syringe aside.
Step 4
Place the baby with the back up. Massage your ass a little so the medicine is better absorbed and does not bruise.
Step 5
Divide the buttock mentally into four sections. The injection should be made in the upper outer quadrant. This will not touch a nerve, blood vessel, or bone. Wipe the baby's skin two times with tampons dipped in alcohol.
Step 6
Take the syringe. The thumb should be on the plunger, index and middle fingers, fix the syringe body.
Step 7
Stretch the skin with your left hand and inject with your right hand. The syringe should be perpendicular to the child's body. Do the injection quickly, driving the needle of the syringe three-quarters into the skin. Administer the medicine slowly.
Step 8
When you squeeze out the syringe, take a new swab dipped in alcohol and press down on the spot where the needle enters the skin. Then remove the syringe. Lightly massage the baby's skin again.