Raising the first child is always fraught with difficulties for young parents, because everything happens for the first time. How to feed, how to swaddle, and especially how to educate. In the process of upbringing, socially useful personality traits are formed in children, the formation of which occurs from the first days of life. No wonder the people say: "Bring up a child while he lies across the bench, and not along it."

Step 1
When raising the first child, parents are most often focused on the knowledge gained in books or at lectures on pedagogy and psychology, but not all of this knowledge should be used as instructions for the exact action. Focusing on the characteristics of the child, the methods and techniques of education are undergoing changes. Children differ in temperament, in their level of health, in the degree of attachment to their parents, etc. In books, most often, a list of various methods of education is given: choose the ones that suit your family, your child.
Step 2
The first child, as a rule, receives the love of all adults in his immediate environment. He gets used to such an amount of love and adoration, so in the future he expects the same attitude from both kindergarten teachers and teachers. Lack of love upsets him. Therefore, for the first child in the family, it is important to create not only an aura of unconditional acceptance, but also a system of requirements, the fulfillment of which must be closely monitored.
Step 3
When a second child appears in the family, the older child may find itself in the "zone of inattention" of adults, which provokes the appearance of jealousy of the newborn and resentment towards the parents. According to A. Adler, the child feels like a tsar, overthrown from the throne. To reduce his displeasure, parents should distribute childcare responsibilities among themselves. You should notice and mark the success of the first child as often as possible, praise him for his help, involve him in joint activities.
Step 4
Modern children do not want to feel like they are older, because it is they who bear the burden of responsibility for their younger brother or sister. They are the ones who become an example for other children in the family. And being perfect all the time is very difficult. Therefore, the phrases should be said as little as possible: "You are an elder, you are an example for others, you must …". Such demands provoke the resistance of the child, and he begins to behave in the opposite way. Now he wants to be no longer a king, but to feel at least on a par with all the other children in the family.