How To Choose An Interactive Game For A Child

How To Choose An Interactive Game For A Child
How To Choose An Interactive Game For A Child

Since ancient times, children have been learning about the world through play. Only toys change over time. And now modern children are showing a keen interest in interactive games. The task of parents at this stage is to offer the child such an interactive game that can develop useful skills and abilities in him.

How to choose an interactive game for a child
How to choose an interactive game for a child

What interactive games teach

Interactive play is an artificially created situation in which the child chooses a certain role and must cope with the set goals. Going through this situation, the child acquires a certain life experience. The peculiarity of such a game is that it is based on the interaction of the participants. During the game, the child learns to think logically, to convey his thoughts to the participants in the game, to make independent decisions, to look for ways to achieve the goal. Interactive games encourage children to engage in joint action and constructive communication.

What influences the choice of an interactive game for a child

The very first object of an interactive game for a child is a toy. From 6 months old, children can be offered interactive rugs of various themes for play. Crawling on the rug, the child presses on the images, the rug makes sounds - this delights the child. Over time, he will deliberately press on the rug so that he "speaks".

When a child grows up, a toy should be chosen based on his gender.

Boys will like radio-controlled cars, airplanes, helicopters, robots, games with which they develop attention, reaction, orientation in space.

Girls will be happy to play with interactive dolls and animals. Such toys can be fed and taken care of. In the process of such games, the child masters social roles, a sense of responsibility is formed, and a desire arises to take care of someone.

If the parents have an intention to develop the musical abilities of the baby, then both boys and girls can purchase a dance rug and various interactive musical instruments.

Speaking alphabets, interactive books, calculating tools will help parents in a playful way to present the child with the necessary knowledge.

When buying an interactive toy for a child, you need to check its reliability and safety. Ideally, the toy should be sold with a quality certificate and instructions. Batteries, wires must be securely insulated. The material from which the toy is made must not be toxic or allergenic. The sound of the toy should be pleasant, and the color should not be too bright.

Features of computer interactive games

At some point, the child "grows" out of toys, and his attention switches to the computer, namely, to computer interactive games. During this period, parents need to be especially vigilant.

Computer games develop logic, memory, attention, fine motor skills of hands, hand-eye coordination, imagination, volumetric perception, artistic taste. But the child must learn that he can be at the computer only with the permission of the parents. Parents, in turn, must have complete control over the process. The game should correspond to the child's age, to meet his interests. The plot of the game should not include elements of violence and fear. The time a child spends at the computer should be clearly regulated - no more than two hours a day.

Uncontrolled spending time at the computer can lead to cyber addiction. This leads to irritability, attention disorder, sleep disturbance. Such children stop communicating with their peers, withdraw into themselves.

During the game, the child can be taught anything. Play with your baby, become his like-minded person. And then it will be easier for you to control all his games. And your child will not even notice the control.
