Parents who want to give their child only the best are careful in choosing a kindergarten. Interactive kindergartens are gaining more and more popularity, in which attention is paid individually to each child thanks to special techniques and equipment.

Interactive technologies are designed primarily to organize the communication of children with each other and with adults, because it is communication that is the main condition for the harmonious development of a child. The dialogue can be organized both with people and with a computer on which educational programs and games are installed.
One of the main goals of learning in an interactive kindergarten is to create a comfortable environment in which every child feels successful and smart. The educational process is organized in such a way that absolutely all children are involved, everyone takes part in the game or the process of cognition. Everyone contributes, shares experiences and supports others.
Organization of training in an interactive kindergarten
Group methods of work can be one of the forms of training. For example, all children are divided into subgroups, each of which prepares its own project or completes an assignment. Another option is to work in pairs or individually.
Interactive whiteboards in kindergarten greatly simplify the organization of educational activities. With their help, you can show children any illustrations or videos, conduct music lessons or tell fairy tales. Thanks to the touch screen, children themselves can move the depicted objects, change the scale of pictures, draw, select the desired answers when testing with their fingers or a marker.
Almost the same functions are provided by interactive tables for kindergartens. The difference is that they are located horizontally, at a convenient height and can be operated by several people at the same time.
Interactive kindergarten equipment may also include voting consoles. This is a radio frequency technology, each remote control can be assigned a unique name. Children answer the teacher's questions by pressing buttons, and he immediately sees the results, so he has the ability to control the level of knowledge in real time, to understand what is interesting or incomprehensible for the kids. An interactive voting system is an important element of modern gardens.