How To Entertain A 6 Month Old Baby

How To Entertain A 6 Month Old Baby
How To Entertain A 6 Month Old Baby

At the sixth month of life, the child begins to actively study everything that is happening around him. At this age, walks on the street turn into entertaining adventures, and homework delights with a variety of educational games.

How to entertain a 6 month old baby?
How to entertain a 6 month old baby?

Fun games

A six-month-old baby seeks to actively learn about the world around him. Most often, it is at this age that a turning point comes when mothers feel that playing with their beloved child is moving to a new level.

Coordination activities are exactly what a 6-month-old baby needs. An excellent option would be a funny game "Birds have flown". Its essence is quite simple - the mother slowly tells the child some fairy tale about birds, and then raises her hands up and claps her hands on the phrase “the birds flew”. Over time, the baby will learn to wait for this moment, will laugh in advance and actively participate in the game.

The game "Dad on Shoulders" is guaranteed to delight the little fidget. The father should sit the child on his shoulders, holding him by the back, and slowly move around the room. This will help the child learn to better control his movements and maintain balance.

If the baby already knows how to crawl, you can build a fun obstacle course in front of him by placing several pillows in multi-colored pillowcases. A baby who does not yet show a desire to participate in active games may be carried away by a ball, cubes, interactive toys and "talking" books.

Walking in the street

At the sixth month of life, the child can already walk on the street during the waking period, so you can diversify his leisure time by going to the playground. Joint riding on a swing, the first acquaintance with the slide in mother's hands, the loud laughter of the children - all this will cause a sea of positive emotions in the baby.

A walk in the park will also help to entertain the baby, because there are so many unknown things around. Mom should not only show the crumbs leaves and grass, but also voice each object, despite the fact that the child cannot yet reproduce what he has heard. To bring bright colors to the hike, you can tie a balloon to the stroller, it will definitely not let your baby get bored.

Which toys to choose?

The sixth month of life is a time for continuous exploration. The child can be offered toys with opening doors, mirrors, buttons, wheels, cups that fit on top of each other, etc. The main thing is for the kid to experiment with them on his own - bent, beat and throw, under the close supervision of adults.

Very often half-year-olds are interested in "adult" toys, for example, a TV remote control, a mother's mobile phone and a case from glasses. Parents should watch carefully so that the baby does not break the thing and swallow a small object.
